03 May 2018

A question about : Job seekers changed again

I am on job seekers and have been for a few months, went to sign on yesterday and the woman I see did not seem to much and told me some changes can people on job seekers confirm that we now have to sign on every week and not fortnightly, and she also said we don't need to fill out the job record sheets now as they have to go in the booklet but this seems strange and there's not much room to write anything lol as I said she was clueless title=ROTFL

Best answers:

  • If you fill out your book continue it on a spreadsheet.
  • Weekly signing is becoming much more common and there is a suggestion that all JSA claimants may have to sign weekly at some point in the future. Where DWP are going to find the staff or the space for weekly signing is another matter.
  • My last appointment was yesterday and my next appointment is on 26.02.2015.
    I was shocked when my advisor told me that appointment because I thought I had to go in weekly which I have been doing for the past few weeks, also I don't sign anymore as I am on that Universal Credit, I just go to appointments without signing any declaration.
    Also, I don't fill in them booklets anymore as I write them all down on my Universal Jobmatch and when it's near my appointment I tick them 2 boxes to allow my advisor to look at my account and after my appointment is finished then I untick them again when I get home till my next appointment arrives
  • Unfortunately some people in the job centre do not have the best reputation. I therefore would be extremely cautious if someone tells you you don't need to do something and you are not sure. What if the next person you see pulls you up (and perhaps sanctions you) for not filling in form x? If you have the blank sheets available or can do something similar on paper, I would be temped to continue with the format you are using (and use the new format as well you have been asked to use). It might take a while to have to copy the information across each week but better than being sanctioned because someone told you not to do something and it turns out you should have done it.
    perhaps I'm being over cautious though
  • I don't think the staff have a clue themselves. When I signed-on to JSA in Nov. 2013, my advisor told me she didn't need to see everything I had done in my job-hunting logged in the booklet.
    A few weeks later, I had to see another advisor who whinged about the lack of info in the book. i told her what my advisor told me and she backed-off.
    As for weekly signing. At the moment, the Law states that you are only required to sign for benefits once every two weeks, so for every other appointment you should claim back your travel expenses (make sur to travel in by bus even if you drive).
  • I will phone them on Monday and speak to the manager and get confirmation, one thing I do that has been mentioned is basically screenshot everything, (HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE DOES THIS) to do with job hunting, after I press the screenshot button it automatically gets uploaded to drop box I learned VERY quickly not to trust the job centre and you need to cover your back at every POINT.
  • It's always better to join multiple portals than just one. I believe the more you apply the more chances you will have of getting a job.
  • Will be signing-on this week, so will see what my advisor has to say about any changes.
  • I sign on weekly now due to being on jsa for 6 months but used to go in weekly anyways for reviews. Now it's just a case of hi and then bye. Less than two mins in there and I don't sign anything apart from my fortnight signing,
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