30 Dec 2015

A question about : IVA settlement creditors meeting


We agreed with our IVA on the 25sep that they had all the paperwork required to make a proposal of a one off fee to settle.

Since then I have asked on several occasion when this meeting would take place as I was told 28 days to gather all the creditors. It is now November and I am still waiting of a date for the meeting between IVA and creditors.
I was told on the 2nd of oct it would take 3 weeks

Everytime I ask they reply there is a backlog of 3/4 weeks and we should hear something soon.

Are they upholding there end of the bargain here?

I feel as though they are messing us around, can I got to any obdusman


Best answers:

  • Hi Katb01 - your IVA company needs to propose a variation to the creditors. They will need to write this, send your a draft copy to check you agree, you then send a signed copy back, and then the meeting is set - which is what the creditors are given 28 days notice of. You will also get a letter confirming what date the creditors meeting is. The decision on whether the creditors accept the offer is then made at the creditors meeting.
    Have you had a copy of the draft report yet?
    Sounds to me like your IVA company has a backlog of variations to write. What company is it?
  • hi
    when we entered into the IVA is was debtfree helpline but it has now altered to debtsupport centre.
    We have had no draft proposal sent from our IVA company at all.I just feel disappointed with them that we are trying to get ourselves debt free and they still haven't taken our proposal forward nearly 8 weeks later
  • These IVA firms seem to have no idea of customer service
  • I think there are some major issues with all IVA companies as far as backlogs go, we should have had a review in october but have heard nothing from GT, not overly worried as we have been overpaying by 50% anyway and are copeing pretty well.
  • [QUOTE=longtermplanner;66899293]These IVA firms seem to have no idea of customer service
    There is no ombudsman to go to - the Financial Ombudsman doesnt deal with IVA cases.
    However, the Insolvency Service has set up a Gateway which allows complainst about Insolvency Practitioners to be routed through it to the regulating authority for your IP.
    Details on how to do this are in this article: https://debtcamel.co.uk/complaint-iva/
    The first step is to put in a writen complaint to your IVA firm. Hopefully that will kick them into action so you don't need to go further![/QUOTE
    You can contact the Insolvency Practitioners Association who handle complaints about IVA provider's.
    Their website address is www.insolvency-practitioners.org.uk.
    There is a form you can fill in direct on their website or an email address.
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