20 Jul 2015

A question about : Interviews

For my interview tomorrow I have been asked to take my NI card and Birth Cert. What do you want to see them for before you have been offered a job?

Best answers:

  • To check that you are entitled to work in this country. No point in interviewing you if you're not!
  • Forgot to say ...
    Good luck! x
  • It's to prove you have the right to work in the UK!
    You may think it's obvious that you have the right to do so but even when you've got an employment history as long as your arm each new employer now needs to be able to show that they have done their best to prevent unlawful working by getting the evidence.
  • I am not too keen on them copying my personal documents without a job offer. It just sounds to me an open door to identity crime.
  • Oh ffs.....
  • so ring and cancel then.
    I'm interviewing someone tomorrow, not you by chance is it?
  • You can never be too careful with private info can you, that is all I am saying
  • studentphil
    Your potential employer will be conducting their business under the requirements of the DPA.
    Will you please stop trying to get people to join in long threads of advice to you when you know perfectly well that you have to conform to some degree if you want to get a job.
    As far as these threads are concerned, many of us have been there, done that, wish you well . . . but really !!!!!!
  • I always ask for at least birth certificate + one other form of ID for anyone I interview. You only get caught out once making a job offer you regret (and get you in hot water)
  • I am thankful for the advice. And if I get it then you can be rid of me.
  • I am hopeful for getting it. I must admit after 2 months since it was first advertised I had sort of thought it would be filled by now. So it is a nice shock to get an interview now.
  • Good luck SP. Don't worry about the documents, it's very common for companies to ask at this stage.
  • I agree with SP on identity theft. If it happens then no one's going to help you. It's your own lookout. I've had companies wanting to photocopy credit cards before to prove I'm over 18...... Erm, I'm like VERY over-18 and there is no way in hell that you're photocopying my credit card!!
    There are also guidelines on copying what are essentially Crown documents. Any old employer isn't meant to do it, they misinterpret the Crown guidelines. Agencies are particularly keen to copy documents when they have no legal right to do so, only the employers are entitled to check them.
    I could start an agency or starting interviewing people tomorrow. Photocopying passports and driving licences does sound very very dodgy..........
    By all means let them see the documents Phil, but do not let them out of your sight. I would not criticise you for it, but then again, I'm sane.
  • I have been. I have not a clue if I said the right things. The ad was all wrong ans there are many different posts and some are weekdays and some weekends. I hope I said the right thing in that I am open to any of the jobs and I can do weekdays or weekends.
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