28 Jan 2018

A question about : Interview Tomorrow!

Hi all,

I have my first interview in almost ten years tomorrow! I am looking forward to it, and have done lots of research on the company as well as reading through and making notes on their interview guide (they sent this to me). I'm applying for a mid-management position at a large, well known company.

I am nervous though, as it's been so long since I've been interviewed. I've interviewed others recently in my last job so I've got a bit of recent experience from the other side of the table but I was wondering if anybody had any tips/advice?

Many thanks in advance 😃


Best answers:

  • If you're interview is tomorrow - double check your alarm, sort your clothes, have a bubble bath, and stick a movie on.
    You've prepped, prepared, and planned - try to relax and get a good nights sleep
    Oh... and good luck. Let us know how it goes
  • Always show you have read up about the company, think of some good open ended questions to ask at the end, make good eye contact, never bad mouth a previous employer, always give a good handshake and make sure you know where to go and how long it will take you to get there.
    Good Luck!
  • Ah, thanks for the good wishes! I will be sure to post tomorrow and let you know how it goes.
    Not normally a nervous person, but it's surprising how daunting it is!
  • Good luck Don't forget you also interview them at the same time !
  • Make sure you get there with plenty of time to compose yourself. Deep breath and good luck.
    Listen to what they ask you and look interested at all times. Don't forget to smile and ask questions
  • Good luck! I've also got one tomorrow, for Boots and then another on Thursday for Virgin Active (I'm a qualified Fitness Instructor).
  • Good luck OP. I had one yesterday and another tomorrow. Did a 10 minute presentation yesterday and had to force myself to slow down - I did the first four slides in about 30 seconds lol.
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