12 Jul 2019

A question about : infra red rads

I am asking if there is anyone who has had the infra red e-rad system installed in the past 6 months as an alternative to gas central heating?

Best answers:

  • I have herd a lot about these, and their claims are very questionable.
    Tbh, if you have mains gas you are likely to be better sticking with that.
    Would be interesting to hear from people who have actually had these fitted
  • Welcome to the forum.
    There are literally hundreds of posts on MSE about infra red heaters. This is the latest and it gives a link to other threads
    IMO it would be madness to consider IR heating if gas CH is available.
    The problem with asking for opinions on MSE from people who have spent(often) many thousands of pounds on a heating system is there is often a reluctance to be objective, and thus admit that it was an error of judgement. This applies to all systems not just IR
    There have also been posters with a vested interest - i.e. salesmen.
  • If you are desperate to try them out, just get one and see how it performs. Don't be taken in by all the sales guff.
    In the end if your room need 3kwh of heat then it can be provided by a radiator, fan heater or even an IR heater. Different heaters will distribute that heat around. A fan heater by blowing it, a radiator by convection and an IR heater by radiation.
    They will all use the same amount of energy it's just that you feel it in a different way. A fan heater will blow hot air up your trouser legs, a radiant heater will heat side of your body facing the heater and a convection by a warm environment all around you.
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