26 Apr 2016

A question about : Informing the DWP/Benifits

Hi, my hubby has been of sick from his job since Oct 2010, we are currently appealing our ESA medical to get in the support group as he has Primary Progressive MS. He has now been dismissed from his job on capablity grounds, which is fine as we both know that there is no chance of him ever been able to work again but is what we need to know is do we have to inform the benifits people of this???? I know we don't have to tax credits as they told me that after been on sick for 6 months they class you as unemployed but not sure about ESA. He had a final payment of 3 thousand pounds.
Many thanks.

Best answers:

  • It is always best to tell the DWP about any changes in circumstances. If your husband is getting Contribution Based ESA, then these things you mention will probably make no difference.
    It is important to win the appeal and get into the support group as Contribution Based ESA is limited to 365 days for people in the Work Related Activities Group. Are you getting help with the appeal? If not, contact your local CAB.
    After 365 days, your husband may be able to migrate onto Income Based ESA, but that would depend on your circumstances as a couple. Do you work for instance?
    If you don't know about all you entitlements and how these may change in the future as your husbands condition progresses, it really would be worthwhile getting advice from your local CAB or, at least, having a look at the information on their self help web site (www.adviceguide.org.uk)
  • Does his condition fit the criteria of DLA, its always worth thinking about.
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