18 May 2016

A question about : Im Being Bullied At Work, and i've been suspended!! Help!!

(I Have posted this on the employment forum but would like a professional veiw on my situation)

OK i will try to make this as brief as possible,

for about 8 months I've been bullied by another work colleague, i work in the care, I'm a carer in the community, i often visit the same service users and the girl who bullies me, she often makes slanderous remarks to other colleagues and writes things in the care notes which she just shouldn't write.

The final straw was last week i turned up to a double up call where two carers attend to find my double up carer was the bully, her car was outside and she had already gone into the service users house without waiting for me, when i walked in she immediately said to me that i should just go as to her i was late, i tried to say that i wasn't late and this is the time i had been given for her to tell me to go again, she continued to carry out the call by herself and rolling a servicer user(SU) alone, not only breaking health and safety but putting herself and the S,U at risk. i wrote out a formal complaint of bullying and harassment and went into my office, my co-odinator is friends with the bully so i handed it to a different co-ordinator to investigate. then a day after this i was called up by my co-ordinator to be told that i am not attending that double up call and that my bully would take my place, i immediately expressed my feelings telling her i felt unsupported and that she is siding with the bully. she kept saying'dont talk to me like that' as if i was being rude or having a go, i said i feel a lack of support, i asked to speak to the co-ordinator dealing with the investigation and she refused to let me speak with them, i was outside another service users home while i was on the phone to the office, and after speaking with my co-ordinator and becoming upset and distressed i called the co-ordinator dealing with the case on her personal mobile, she told me to calm down and that she would look into why that decision had been made and will call me back after work.

when i went into the S.U house that i was stood outside of she asked me what was wrong as it was obvious i was upset, so she phoned to office to say that i was upset she said ' i understand you've had a row but I've turned up extremely upset'

when i finished work i called the co-ordinator dealing with the investigation to be told that my co-ordinator has taken over it, i felt this was unfair as she is friends with the girl bullying me and a fair decision wont be made.

Today i was called into my office, i asked before i arrived if it was informal or formal, i was told it was informal. when i arrived and went into a private room another member of staff was there to take notes, i said from what i understand this is informal so why are notes being taken, i was told it was procedure, i then asked if i could have a Representative to only be refused. my co-ordinator asked me about what happened when i was on the phone to her upset outside the S.U home because when she was on the phone to the S.U she claims i was in the background shouting and saying they have taken calls off me, which isn't true, the SU can back this up.
She then asked me to fill in a form of my events i refused feeling like that would be formal and i wasn't sure where i stood to be handed a letter saying that i am suspended with immediate effect and no pay for breaking confidentially (telling the service user i was upset by my co-ordinator) i was god-smacked.

in my letter dated 1st august (21 days ago) the reason for suspension with no pay is for a ''alleged incident it doesn't state if i get pay or not but i was told i am not getting paid.

when i checked my contract it states that if suspended you will be on full pay until the last Friday of suspension.

my co-ordinator is trying to make my life hell. can she do this to me, where do i stand?!

please can someone give me some advice sorry its so long!

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