14 Aug 2015

A question about : Ideas for card craft beginner

Hi everyone im new to this so bare with me .Can anyone give me some ideas on how to use tissue paper in my card making?? most of what i have is bright pink but i have some white and some patterned. I have been card making for about 5 months now and love it and have just finished making my first ever paid order of 9 cards and pretty pleased with my self but any tips in card making would be fantastic thanks title=ROTFL
Here is a list of online craft shops we all use and also some free download sites https://www.sticknmix.com/
Here is a list of free downloads
Hope that helps you all xxxx

Best answers:

  • I've been doing mine for a year now polly..............but sounds like you can give me some tips. I've never used tissue paper beforeand never sold any. Just do them for card making group and family and friends.
  • mary thank you for your reply i started showing my friends family and neighbours my cards and thats how i got my first sale i got some stickers saying hand crafted by Paula cross and my email addy they only cost Ј2.99 for 200 including p&p from ebay i also found if you have a good look you can find some cheap lots from people who are getting rid of there crafting stuff etc .
  • Those stickers are great... I got some from Ebay and they really do add a professional touch to your crafts.
  • you cold do layering and matting
    could use it under parts of peel offs if your clever
    could do like we did at school scrunch little bits up as flowers theres any number off possibilities have fun
  • There is another lovely abstract effect that you can use to make cards with tissue paper, although it would probably work best with a selection of different coloured tissue papers.
    I found this out in a kiddie craft book and what you need are:
    Thick Silver foil, pva glue, paint brush, Water and sequins, glitter and metallic threads.
    Mix the pva with water 50:50. Spread the foil out (shiny side up), tear your tissue paper into strips and pieces and brush the foil with glue. Also brush the tissue paper pieces and stick onto the foil overlapping your pieces to make a design. The tissue paper soaks into the foil and colours the silver foil. You can also add sequins, metallic threads and glitter for a shimmery effect. Let dry overnight - the results can be pleasantly surprising!
  • thank you qwicksave i am going to try that out tomorrow i have all the stuff so fingers crossed thanks again
  • Isn't card making wonderful? I love it and have sold mine. I would use the tissue paper for layering like Tracy2008 said. Don't cut it, just tear it roughly into a square/rectangle and scrunch it up a little, straighten out again and stick down only in the middle with some double sided tape/gluedots. Then you can put matching card/paper over that with a topper. If you want me to post a picture just say.. have fun, it is a great hobby and it gives you such a boost if people want to buy your cards because they think they are great.
  • I forgot to add that you use a square or rectangle aperture card, and stick your coloured silver foil design behind it.
    This type of thing:
  • You do all sound very clever at this.............I'm still at the 'pritt stick/card/pictures and ribbon' stage.........................lol
    Very basic really but I do enjoy doing it and giving a personal touch to cards for family and friends adapting the card to suit them.
    Looking forward to seeing what other tips I can pick up
  • Thank you mumoftwo please could you post a pic that would be very helpful and thank you all for your advice xx
  • I have been making cards for 7ish years now and even have a cardmaking room now (started out with a small box, so be warned!! )
    I haven't used traditional tissue paper, as it tears quite easily, but I have used a lot of handmade paper- the stuff that you tear the edges of
    The best advice I can give you is don't undersell yourself - consider how much work/material goes into making cards when working out a fair price and decide on a price from the outset
  • Hi again polly1976, did you had a go at the pva technique today?
    Not quite sure how you meant with the card and topper mumoftwo so I would appreciate a photo too, when you get a mo...
    I personally lur------ve card making (and chocolate making! )
  • here is the promised picture, I layered the tissue paper and then added foam pads at the back so that the ovals are raised. Topper is sticker of a handbag and I added some gems. In the corner is a brad.
  • You could also do a shape (sqaure, round, heart) in different layers then add a single rose. If you wind the stem of the rose round a thin pencil or stick it makes it look nice.
    I buy loads of flowers off ebay its much cheaper than the craft shops and its amazing how many designs you can make with them
  • mumoftwo - that looks beautiful.....................did you just tear the paper ? Looks really good. Think I might have to try that.
    I don't use flowers a lot on mine as they make the card just that bit too big to go through the right size slit for normal postage so I try and keep them as flat as possible. If I do buy any I get them from our cake decorating shop..shes often got a bit more choice as well as being cheaper than the craft shop.
    Where I can I use what I;ve got around the house.......amazing what you find you can use.
  • Mumoftwo the card is beautiful really lovely im just doing a religous easter card for a neighbour its doing my head in and because shes paying me i want it to be perfect and im also very critical of my own work i drive my hubby mad lol
  • I've just realised I could save some money making my own cards for my family's celebrations birthdays etc. I always find myself short of cards for a forgotten occasion.
    What do I need to start and where can I get the equipment I need without paying out too much money???
  • qwicksave i havnt had chance yet i have glanduar fever at the moment so im quite poorly but when i have i will try and post a pic if my hubby will help me can i just say im so glad i posted a thread thank you all for your replys i think we should keep this up and keep posting ideas wot do u all think?
  • Hi shawtj2, I'm going to merge you with another thread running on a similar subject, that might help you out
    Edit: just to add also, that I made a mother's day card out of scraps of things I had here. I'd already been messing about with some paper marbling, so cut a bit of that up with wavy lines and stuck that on the front, along with a gel frame around it, wrote in the middle, then stuck a couple of jewels on and a pink rafia bow underneath
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