18 Jul 2015

A question about : i think my manager is being a bit unreasonable

recently started a apprenticeship at a branch of a large automotive chain as a apprentice mechanic, at first everything was brilliant, loved it. but over the past two weeks my manager has been a bit funny with me and I have no clue as to why.
im always on time, not once been late, infact 9/10 I get there 15 minutes early and help get cars out of the workshop, sweep the floors and make him a cup of tea. Ive never missed a day yet and I always try to do the best I can when im doing a job (I occasionally have to ask for help as obviously im just a apprentice), when its quite I don't just sit around like my colleagues sometimes do, I sweep, tidy the staff room and ive even gone outside onto the car park to pick up small pieces of litter when ive run out of things inside to do. Im always polite and professional and on the rare occasion I have contact with customers ive always been polite and tried to answer questions to the best of my ability and when I couldn't id seek help from a colleague. I noticed a change in his attitude towards me two weeks ago when for the first time ever he asked me to start covering up my small tattoo on my right arm as he didn't think it looked very professional, so I did. I started wearing a black long sleeved tshirt under my company tshirt to cover up my small tattoo (something he had never had a issue with before so was a little out of the blue when he asked me to start covering it up). a few days later he asked me to shave off my short beard (always kept trimmed, tidy and clean) as again he thought it looked unprofessional, so I did. since then he has had a few little moans about my tools in my tool chest not being particularly tidy, he's moaned when ive washed a customers car after being told to do so by my colleague who does the MOTs and he has had a moan about the fact I wouldn't work on a Saturday due to my other job and me working on a Saturday was never discussed or questioned when I was interviewed or when I first started and he knew I had a part time job. today I went in as I normally would, parked my motorcycle in its usual spot, right in the corner of the car park around back out of sight and locked it up heavily as I always have (its a 2014 Honda im not going to leave it there on one lock) when I went inside he asked me to sweep up and then go into his office for a chat.. so I did, he then told me he didn't want me to ride my motorbike in anymore because its too loud I personally think this is being unreasonable, other than cycling this is my only transport, I do not yet possess a full car licence so cant exactly drive in, public transport would take a hour longer to get there and I personally see no issue with me riding my bike in as long as im not a nuisance with it, I simply ride into the car park and park the bike up, I don't sit there revving it like a yob or mess about with it when im on lunch break. I've tried to be adult about it and tried to compromise by putting the standard exhaust back on the bike (has a sports can) but he's told me if I don't like it I can either quit or request a transfer to another branch, I spoke to a colleague about it and they said that he's just a grumpy ***hole and to just do as he asks for a easy life. but I feel hes being completely unreasonable, should I just get a transfer to another branch as soon as a position becomes available or should I make a complaint to the powers above?

Best answers:

  • Covering the tattoo is fair enough while at work. He can't dictate the mode of transport you use to commute (although he could potentially stop staff from parking on company property). He can ask you to quit or request a transfer but he can't make you!
    Have you joined a union yet? Sounds like you might need some support in the future if your manager carries on like this. Subs are normally very reasonable for apprentices.
    As to whether you should make a complaint, it's up to you. Consider the possible consequences before doing so though. Do keep (in a safe place away from prying eyes, preferably at home) a written record of any unreasonable behaviour (date, time, place, witnesses, what happened) in case you need it.
  • How far to the next 2-3 branches compared to the current one.
    Do they have other compelling reasons to go like better mix of customers, better training, offer more services to customers busier so less sweeping time etc. to back up a request for a move.
    A complaint on record could become a problem if this is seen as you being a problem apprentice, it might be common knowledge that this boss has issues, try to find out the staff turnover and what happened to the last apprentice.
    Is the scheme just in branch or does the organization have a central team that manage the training program and allocations to the branches that you could approach at review time or earlier?
  • Red, as an apprentice do you have a monitor or someone other than this manager who you report to? I think you need to ask them what the problem is, who was the last apprentice with this manager, how were they treated? Maybe your workmate is correct and he is just a grumpy ah but nobody should have to put up with someone's bad moods all the time.
  • firstly, its not a moped, its a proper clutch and gear motorbike, not a little toy lol
    ive attempted to adress the noise issue by changing the exhaust back to the original can with the baffles in, its now so quiet i cant hear it idleing at the lights but i still roll into the car park in neutral to attempt to keep the engine noise as quiet as possible anyway.
    also considering the bike gets taken around the back and parked in a corner hidden out of sight of anybody (customers etc arent aloud round back) its not like customers can even see the bike during day but nowhere in my contract does it say im not aloud to commute by motorcycle.
    so far ive been as reasonable and grown up about it as i can be, ive covered my small tattoo, ive shaved off my small but tidly kept beard, ive changed the exhaust back to the standard can with baffles in and i roll into the car park in neutral so theres virtually no noise at all coming from the bike.
    i get somebody who comes in every other week to see how im getting on etc, hes not due round until next week. there is however another branch i could potentially ask to be transfered which is in a better area, thats another 5 miles away. so i might ask about that.
    i didnt bear the brunt of his mood today, we had someone come in from another branch to cover for one of the technicians who basically told my manager to p**s off when he tried to have a go at him for supervising me doing my first ever head gasket.
    going to look at transferring but as ive not been with them that long they may just say no.
    its not like im being a complete idiot myself, I do everything I possibly can and when its a quiet day I get on with other stuff around the workshop so im not twiddling my thumbs.
    i do actually enjoy being there, i like the people i work with and get on with them all well, its just a shame hes being a complete D**k
  • As the apprentice it sounds like he's made it his mission in life to nit pick at every fault he thinks you have. You didn't say how long you've been there for? Has he been like this the whole time? You can always ask for a different supervisor, if he continues to be an ar*e!
  • I've been there for around 6-7 weeks now but he only started being like this 2 weeks ago. asking for another supervisor is not really a option. ill see about the transfer to another branch tomorrow. im not working tomorrow and only doing a half day at the training centre i have to attend once a week.
  • You have only been there 6/7 weeks i think you need to have a quiet word with him, ask him what his problem is moving away from the the problem isnt always possible.
  • useful article about apprentices and their rights and protection from dismissal.
    I would agree that the best approach to this is an informal one.
    He could just be a grumpy old man. Plenty of those about!
  • It comes to something when a mechanic can't have an innocous tatt on show.
    Customers are solely interested in getting their cars fixed at a reasonable rate.
    Many will have their own tattoos on show and as long as they square up the bill who cares.
  • I agree that it may be worth trying to speak to him, either alone or with the support of your mentor, before asking to move.
    It may be that there is some office politics going on, which may be nothing to do with you personally (maybe he knows someone who wants an apprenticeship, or has found he has paperwork to do in connection with the apprenticeship which he doesn't like.
  • I'm really sorry to hear that you are dealing with this - it sounds truly unfair and for you having to put up with it when you appear to be doing a really good job and are also being very reasonable in response to his unreasonableness is just more credit to you.
    Having had some bad experiences within the workplace not dissimilar to this, I would put this down to a personality issue with HIM. It may be that he feels insecure and this comes over in him having to find faults in whomever he can and of course with you being the youngest and most vulnerable person there, it happens to be you. Don't take this as any reflection on you or how well you are doing - the issue is deeeeeep within his psychology, sadly. There will always be one of these and the best thing you can do is rise above it - play along and don't add fuel to the fire, which it seems like you are doing well so far. Be aware tha nobody in the workplace is what they seem - even those you think may be your friend - as it may be that they are also threatened by you and may be discrediting you behind your back, tainting the boss opinion of you (that also happened to me, unfairly).
    That said, don't be bullied or victimised and if it ever feels like he is over stepping the line into that then you must talk to your mentor and you can quietly and reasonably explain what is making you uncomfortable, keep a time line of any of those events, and ask about options to move. One thing to remember is never to lose your cool, never respond in the heat of the moment and never display the emotions - he will be waiting for this to happen and will enjoy every moment. I'm sorry again that your experience is like this, but workplace 'pscyhos' are everywhere I'm afraid and we have to become resilient to dealing with all the games they play. I'm still learning!
    Keep us posted on how this goes - and keep doing the great job you appear to be doing because at the end of the day, you can go home with your dignity and your pride and he just goes home with a messed up inferiority complex and enjoys picking on the easiest target.
  • I can't see what the OP's manager has got to complain about, from what has been posted. I sympathise with you RedVision. Not all bosses/supervisors are like this; I hope your situation improves - or that you can find another place where you are happier and your colleagues show you more respect.
  • I've worked in places where, even though it is widely known the immediate boss has "issues", it's still the junior staff who lose out and management won't support them.
    Maybe you're "too good" - finding things to do while others are sitting about during quiet times. Does he have a favourite (who sits about) who you could be making look bad because of your diligence? ...or is he just horrible to everyone?
    I'm not suggesting you stop being good - maybe you would be happier if you could get a transfer to the better place.
    If your mentor isn't due to visit yet, can you email him in the meantime?
  • What about using some paragraphs when writing
    Sounds a bit annoying person you got there but anything can be done also said above I believe. Hope it gets sorted soon.
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