08 Mar 2018

A question about : How long to wait after settling card?

I am about to settle my Egg card but will leave it open to make use of the anniversary offer and SBT facilities. I plan to apply for the Lloyds TSB 12 month 0% but am wondering how long to leave it before it will show on my credit record.

I have a few other 0% deals also at the moment so don't want to push things too hard

Best answers:

  • Why not apply for your credit reports before you apply for the card? Only Ј2 each by post and there are some special offers avalaible for online access too.
  • Not quite sure what you mean - are you thinking how long to wait, after clearing your Egg balance before applying for the other card?
    I've heard that companies submit reports monthly to Experian etc. Not sure if their submitted at the end of a month, so to be sure your Egg card shows a zero balance when they run a check, may be best to wait a full 4 weeks.
    I suppose it depends on what your other debts are though - if not too much, you may be OK or even in a better position to get a big credit limit, if the Egg balance is still showing.
    Hope this helps. Be interesting to hear what others say.
  • A card won't appear as 'settled' until it has been closed.
    However, if you have a reduced a balance on a card to Ј0 it should take no more than a month or so to appear on your credit file.
    LloydsTSB didn't even search my credit file when they gave me a Platinum Card, but then I was an existing LTSB customer of 8 years (and had a credit card with them until 2001).
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