15 May 2018

A question about : How long does an enhanced CRB take?

I have a standard CRB, done in June 07 (with the NHS).

I've changed department & I've had to apply for a CRB with my current employer (I didn't need one in my last dept).

Anyone know how long an enhanced CRB is taking at the mo?

Do you think the fact that I had a standard one done June 07 will speed it up?

My hubby has an enhanced CRB done, it took quite a while the first time, he thinks he remembers the second one being quicker.

Best answers:

  • My experience too was that the second check was faster coming through than the first. Makes sense to me - they have already checked most of it and just need to ensure it is the same person and there hasn't been a change since the last time.
  • They are pretty quick, although I was under the impression that it was supposed to last for 3 years with one employer so you shouldn't have needed one if you merely changed departments. I hope they didn't charge you for it.
  • my 1st one took 2weeks
  • My enhanced CRB took around 4 weeks if I remember correctly
  • From my experience (and I process a lot as I work in a care agency and every one of our candidates has to be checked every year) they are all over the place. It depends where in the country you are, what time of year you apply (at certain times teachers apparently get priority to ensure schools get their staff in time) and, as far as I can tell, if the temp they have staffing the desk at your local police dpartment is having a good day or not.
    I've got about 7 outstanding that were sent off in March, but of a similar number sent out in June, only 3 are left to come back. I can see no rhyme or reason for whose is quick and whose is slow. I've had one take 6 days, and one take 6 months.
    The main slowing point seems to be the police around here. They have a target to return all requests within 60 days, and stats for how your local police force does with this can be found on the CRB website. Mine isn't doing very well Our average is about 4-6 weeks for them to come back.
    It doesn't appear to have any effect if a CRB has been applied for recently, though we have heard rumour it can help if the number of the other crb is put in with the new application. Its hard to tell if this has any real effect though, as they were so random before.
    As for validity, technically a CRB is out of date the minute after it is printed. It is up to companies own policies how often they feel they should re-check. I think most companies have more relaxed policies than we do, but then as an agency we don't have such a good idea what our candidates have been up to - it would be easy to vanish for a while due to the fallout of doing something and us not realise, whereas I should think that would be alot harder with a regular job.
    I hope yours comes back quickly for you. If you can get the reference number from your form then you can call and track its progress, or follow it online, but there isn't a lot you can do to speed it up (we sometimes suggest calling every day to make them speed it up just to make you go away!)
  • There isn't a space on the form to add it, it would have to go on an additional sheet. Thats one of the reasons I don't think they make much difference.
    I would imagine your HR dept would have kept a note of the reference number (they would need it to chase it up too, so it would be silly not to), and yes, we are always told we can't chase until they have been with the police for at least 60 days. I've heard some of our candidates talk of calling them to chase up sooner, but I'm not sure what response they get. As the countersignatories, we are definitely told to go away and be patient.
  • 4-6 Weeks is the standard we tend to work to.
    Tracking: https://secure.crbonline.gov.uk/enqu...quirySearch.do
  • Mine recently took about 4 weeks to come back.
    Thats about average for everyone in my company at the moment.
  • An enhanced CRB check involves either a POVA or a POCA check, unfortunately there is no set time for these to come back. The ones I send used to take 4 -6 weeks to come back, the police check is the check that really slows it down. West Mercia force and North Wales are really slow. However nothing can be done to speed up the police stage, due to the fact they are allowed up to 60 days before you can send a letter requesting they process it. I have one prospective employee who has been waiting since February, when I telephone or go online to check it - it is always 'at the police stage'
    Enhanced CRB is taking 8 - 10 weeks at the moment
  • I am so frustrated ,I was made redundant last month ,and have found another job ,but they wont start me until my CRB comes through which I understand even though I allready have one from my previous job .The CRB recieved the application on the 22nd Decemebr 2011 and it went throught the first 2 stages quite quickly .Its now been at stage 4 (police ) for nearly a month .I have phoned the police and they have no record of it ,when O told the CRB this they said they dont know which police force it would have gone to >I have lived in my area all my life and been at my current address for the last 11 years .I now have to go and apply for job seekers because I really dont know how long this is all going to take ,seams crazy when I can start the job tomorrow if the CRB came back .I understand checks need to be made ,but it is now going to cost the goverment ( job seekers allowance )and myself (loss of earnings )a lot of money ,surly there must be a better way of speeding this system up !......rant over ps does anyone know if there is a compensation scheme in place for this and the process for it .
  • Had an enhanced last feb and took 5 months. there is no real time guide as others can take a couple of weeks. It is a waiting game.
  • Cliff Richard, about a week.
    Pete Doherty, about 3 months.
  • Well, its depends on what system they use. If it's electronic system it can only take a week. if it's postal service can be up to 2 months...
  • I have just had two CRB applications submitted (different companies but madness I needed it done twice!!). The first took 5 weeks and I am still waiting on the second, currently 5 weeks although Christmas will have slowed things down.
  • Two days for me. They used one of those electronic 'umbrella' companies to do it.
    So, how come the electronic system can do it in 48 hours, but paper system takes months? Is the paper system more thorough or something?
  • This is my 4th one since 2008 (changed jobs then trained to be a nurse). Each one has been done at different speeds. But the latest one is taking the micky. They received it 28th Dec but its stopped at stage 4 since 29th Dec. My job start date has now changed 3 times. It's 6 wks tomorrow & I'll be calling them. They told me 6 wks max. I've now got no money coming in yet I'm a single mum of 3. Fed up.com
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