13 Mar 2024

A question about : How long can you be chased for a debt

Hi guys out of the blue today I have got a letter telling me that I need to get in touch about a debt which I have not idea about as it is from a former address which I`ve not lived at for 13+yrs .Question is can they chase me for anything or is it statute barred?

Best answers:

  • Send a prove it letter.
  • The answer is yes, they can (in England). You still owe the money but they cannot get a court judgement or enforce that if you defend. In Scotland the debt is extinguished.
    However, they should honour a letter stating that it is SB and that you have no intention of paying it. You should hear no more.
    I agree - start with the prove it letter to make sure this IS the debt you think it is. If it is then a statute barred letter.
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