29 Jul 2017

A question about : How I manage my coupons

I expect loads of you have some sort of system for managing your coupons when going shopping. However, for those who don't/find them confusing/can't be bothered, this is what I have done.

I could never be bothered to sort through a purse full of coupons and then I'd get home and find I could have used one or maybe more...grr!!

What I do now, very simple, I've made myself paper holders like envelopes that fit the coupons for each shop. On the front I write the shops name e.g. Morrisons, J Sainsbury, Boots, Tesco. They are all in my purse.

I have trained myself to check the envelope before I get to the till.

Today for instance in Boots as I'd spent over Ј20 on perfume I got Ј5 off, plus a ticket for 200 points and a double points voucher....hurrah!!

Best answers:

  • I use a mini photo album - the checkout assistants are always commenting on what a good idea it is - mind you, they could be taking the pee .
  • Thanks for the ideas - my purse and handbag look like a burst sofa - coupons everywhere and I can never find them in time at the till - then I panic at the queue getting grumpy behind me!!
  • I'm not too organised but I have a sandwich bag full and check them every week for dates, and also check them just before a shop, then if i go to do certain things (like lots for baby food) then I go through the coupons while picking up the items and put them in a pile so they're ready at the checkouts
  • When the book depository were selling Moleskin things cheap, I got a little pocket memo - which is a tiny accordion file but smartly dressed as a Moleskine.
    Six pockets cover the big 4 & the littler 2 very neatly, & the elastic keeps it all together.
  • I don't keep mine in my purse at all; I keep them clipped to the fridge and when I go shopping, I go through them all first and take with me any vouchers that I will/might use in that shop. I'm in the routine of doing that so I don't forget. Going shopping is always planned not spontaneous so I'm never at risk of leaving them behind.
  • Thank you for the good ideas. I keep meaning to be more organised with mine as I always forget vouchers I could of used
  • What I tend to do with my coupons is write the coupon and value on a brown envelope... place them in it.... Check if any are on offer before I use them to get bestdeal.... And i always take a pen with me and cross of each voucher I use... I only have to do this once a month ...
    also hubby and I both have different clubcard soi double them upespecially ifit is bogof......
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