21 Feb 2018

A question about : How to get back on the credit ladder

How do I get back onto the Credit Ladder?

Lots of people wonder how it is possible to get onto the credit ladder if, for instance, they have had adverse data registered against them or have just turned 18 or have never had a requirement for credit in the past - whatever the reason, one question remains outstanding which is 'how can I get onto the credit ladder'?

Interesting question when you consider that most lenders seem to have the same criteria in that you need credit history to build up a credit rating - how is this possible when no-one seems to give you that 'lucky break' and offer you credit in the first place?

This thread will offer guidance on not only how to get your feet back onto the credit ladder, but also advise the best lenders to try so you're not wasting searches unnecessarily. The companies mentioned have all been tried and tested and there are numerous posts throughout this site, not forgetting Proliants Sub Prime Credit Card thread which is a great read for any newbie's to the site.

To start off, we have to break this thread down into sections as follows:1. The Basics

2. New to credit

3. Clean Credit File - Adverse Data in the Past

4. Soiled Credit File - Currently Have Adverse Data Registered

5. Appeal Letter
The links above will take you directly to the relevant post and should help you get back onto the credit ladder in no time at all. Feel free to post any questions; I'm sure there will be loads of willing volunteers to help you out.

Good Luck!

Best answers:

  • The Basics
  • New to Credit
  • Clean Credit File - Adverse Data in the Past
  • Soiled Credit File - Currently Have Adverse Data Registered
  • Appeal Letter
  • Additional Information
  • Don't forget there is an MSE article on Credit Rating written by Martin.
    It will certainley help the people with genuine questions,who dont know everthing.Who get their heads bitten off by some of the straights on this forum,who have never been in debt and dont need credit.Did i say straights,i meant saints
  • Have to agree. A good constructive thread NID.
  • Thread updated - if anyone thinks of anything useful to add in the first few posts please let me know and i'll add it....
    Thanks - enjoy looking around.
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