18 Jan 2016

A question about : How do I claim back on an income protection plan

We are trying to find information on claiming back on a income protection policy that was sold when its was not necessary as the person who was sold the policy was a director and the salary was always guaranteed. Where can I find advice on this?? Thanks in advance

Best answers:

  • If you have a complaint, then you make it to the selling company giving your reasons why.
  • You need to check the terms and conditions of the policy and then see if there were exclusions or circumstances that meant the policy would not have paid out in the event of a claim.
    How do you think the salary may be guaranteed?
  • can any one tell me how I can reclaim ppi if my ex wont sign the form
    or give me an address to send them
  • The OP has told us nowhere near enough information to give a full opinion. In particular, we do not know what type of income protection policy it was or who sold it.
    However, unless the employer was itself suitably insured, it is unlikely that it would be able to pay in income, even to a director, indefinitely.
    And if the employee was a director, I would expect them to have enough nous to be able to realise that the cover was being duplicated.
    This points toward a fairly straightforward defence.
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