20 Sep 2015

A question about : how about a M.S.E. TV programme

hi martin on my way to work this morning i was thinking (which was quite good in itself) about all the money i have manage to save since i cottened on to you and your book. well how about a tv programme of maybe 6 episodes to start with, where you help out mr and mrs average with a typical money saving scheme and follow their progress from start to finish. also you could throw in the best buy for the week, best deal of the week, best offer for the week. i could see revenue flowing in as companys would clamber to get thier product across to the millions watching. with all the makeover programmes on tv at the moment (garden, house, clothes) why not have a money makeover programme too. i honestly believe this would be a must watch show so how about it martin , what say ye? Anyone else think this woould work or not? ;D

Best answers:

  • All I will say is ..... if only
    I've been trying for two years - keep your fingers crossed things in the pipeline but it ain't easy and not even close to definite
  • best of luck..I for one would tune in ;D
  • If it was a 'reality' format, you'd get the programme no problem.
    I could just see Martin in the mentor role as he tries to mould a dozen raw recruit money savers.
    All you've got to do is ensure that one of the dozen is young, female, pretty with a liverpudlian accent........then you know who the winner will be.
    I'm too cynical. :
  • I would rather a straight forward programme where Martin gives out advice.
    I can imagine you now Martin trying to ramble your way through everything in half an hour! lol
    Good thing about it though, there would be no one to interupt you if it was live!!
    Or you could have your own chat show! "Lewis"
  • i can't see why they won't take this concept on. its such an easy formet for someone like you martin and you just know people would pick up on this programme, but i suppose the downside of it would be as soon as you show the loopholes and the ways round things that the companys would get wise to it and shut the things down etc, so as much as i love preaching money saving ideas to my friends and family now maybe its better its kept kinda underground, all the same t.v would be good. thanks for the reply anyway Martin and good luck with it.
  • I know i am abit late reading this thread,but i also think it is a great idea for Martin to have his own show and i am sure their will be plenty of people tuned in. Do you need help do you want us to start a petition or something like that ???.
    It would give them a push for you would'nt it
  • I note that "Your Money or Your Life", the BBC2 programme with Alvin Hall which is normally on during May/June, seems to have vanished this year. Perhaps the TV companies think there isn't an audience for this type of programme any more?
  • I didn't like 'your money or your life', that Alvin guy annoyed me with his laugh. I would love to watch such a programe with all Martins and our money saying tips - it would be fun, maybe some of the MSE site users could go on to say how much they saved "you too can be great like me - because you're worth it!" ;D ;D ;D I do agree with the previous post about there being a downside - companies cathing etc
    Now Martin would do a great job, he is so much easier on the ear .... easier on the eye too ...... candy
  • I remember now that Dead Ringers really took the p out of Alvin and all his props (this cake is your income, let me cut a slice etc)!
  • "Martin, Martin, Martin" *chantted in an American accent
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