17 Jan 2018

A question about : Housing Benefit

I am on a dial up connection so would appreciate ssome help.
It looks like we are going to have to find a new house to rent.
As there are a shortage of 4 bed houses down here the cheapest house we have seen is Ј1100!!!.

I have tried to put amounts into entitledto website but its taking forever.

Just trying to find out approximately how much HB we would get.

Best answers:

  • how many adults and children in the house and what benefits do you recive?
    If you work what hours do you do and what is your pay?
  • How many people do you live with?
    edit. cross posted great minds
  • You would need to contact your local council to get a figure.
  • Is your LA going to do the new method where you are allocated a certain amount depending on what they perceive as your needs? There will certainly be a ceiling on what will be paid via HB leaving you to make up the shortfall if there is one.
    I know a 4 bed is what you want but could you consider a 3 bed with a dining room that could be used as a bedroom, this could be cheaper and easier to find. Why are you having to move? Is the property being sold?
  • It all depends on the household income/what benefits you get.
    Also HB may not pay out for a 4- bedroom house if they think you can manage with a smaller one. Getting benefit on the house you want isn't automatic. Also if you will be renting privately, not all landlords take HB.
  • dont go by what entitledto tells you. you need to speak to your LA.
    do you deffo need a 4 bed?
  • Judging by our council they think families of 4 (2 children under 5)are adequately housed in a 1 bed flat.
    So they may expect your children to share bedrooms,bunkbeds and get a smaller house.
  • I believe there are 6 in Fred's family. Twin daughters of ~17years, a son of 16 then a younger daughter aged 11 ish. Plus of course Fred and his wife.
  • I know someone who recently put in a claim for HB and subsequently found out the below:
    In the case of earnings, Cut-off point Ј162 per week, If you earn up to Ј25 over then still claim, may or may not get it.
    If income Ј187 or over then forget it, from our Council's website.
  • The rent payable will be worked out from income, but they will not pay higher than the local reference rent for a property you require. Entitledto will not give you the details you need.
    You can find out how many rooms they will pay up to for here https://www.therentservice.gov.uk/onl...ices/index.asp going from the information given this would be 7 rooms in the OPs case. These are rooms where someone could sleep in or live in, not the bathroom or kitchen. Dining rooms, living rooms, bedrooms and studies all are classed as a room.
    Once this is decided they will also decide a maximum they can pay for the property. This is capped by the local reference rent for that size property, they can not (even if the house is worth more) pay any more than this. Sometimes if you call the rent service or your local authority they will tell you what the local reference rent is.
    As an example a friend of mine rents privately, rent is over £500 a month but the local reference rent for her area is about £450 for the 3 bedroom 2 living area size she is entitled to claim for, the council therefore will not pay any more than this local reference rent. If we were claiming we would only get £450 towards out £650 rent, even though we are paying less than average rental in the area.
    There are discretionary housing payments sometimes available to top up rent payments but they only usually last about 6 weeks.
    When looking at properties the only way to get to find out in advance is to do a 'pre tenancy determination'.
  • Kimberely if i was you lol i would hide for cover
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