25 Apr 2016

A question about : housing

Please can you tell me how many night per week you are allowed to stay away from your property for hb purposes. with thanks.

Best answers:

  • If you are regularly away from home the LA would look at if the house is your main residence or not - however they will consider several factors, it is not as simple as you having to be there x nights a week.
  • No longer than 13 weeks at one stretch IIRC.
  • thankyou, Yes I wondered though if the 13 weeks were being split between 52 weeks of the year giving a total of so many days per week?
  • hi and thanks again
    its difficult to explain can you tell me if there are any rules similarly for someone on CTB simgle person discount, its some one with MHP staying with a single person for periods of time due to anxiety.
  • I think we could probably sort it by an exchange or swap although it may take a while to do this.
  • the advice from CAB, although factually correct isnt particularly helpful in my opinon given that people will take it as gospel due to who its coming from.
    if the OP now happily goes away for a few weeks thinking all is well for up to 13weeks & the LA write for info or are informed no one is home, benefit can end up being suspended & cancelled. if payments were going direct to a landlord several weeks could pass before they notice or they return to find themselves in a huge mess.
    if you think you may be away for some time, as with any changes to your circumstances, always inform your LA.
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