23 Sep 2016

A question about : Homemade cat litter freshner?

Because we're out during the day, when we come back the litter tray can be a little pongy until we see to it.

I've bought Bob Martins litter freshner a couple of times and it's really good but too expensive to buy all the time.

So I thought if I mixed bicarb (to absorb the smell) and talcum powder (to prevent caking - read that somewhere) I could make my own. Doesn't seem to work.

Any body get any other ideas?

I've searched mega indexed thread but nothing on there....

Best answers:

  • our cat uses an enclosed cat tray,it looks like a house,it has a filter in the lid,it wasnt very expensive (about14.99)I think argos might sell them,we have had ours about 5 years and we never have any nasty smells so the filter must work,I know you might not want to spend any money on a new one (if your very OS)but it would save you money on air fresheners.sorry cant think of any thing else.
  • Bicarb should work or in a pinch, scented talc will disguise the smell but not get ris of it.
  • Just a thought - does the Bob Martin packaging say on it anywhere what the contents are made out of? I suspect it should since some pets (and persons of course) might be allergic to specific ingredients so that would be useful health/safety information. You could do some experiments and make your own.
    I had previously tried bicarb in my cats' litter tray, but it seemed to just go all mouldy and didn't do anything other than look ugly.
    Now the little monsters have two trays - if one is really smelly when I get in it gets put outside and replaced with the clean one. Then I have to talk myself into cleaning out the smelly one some time that evening.
    Sorry, I can't be more helpful than that.
  • What litter do you use? Try using the wood pellets (happicat etc) they last alot longer and are pine scented - Cats tend to prefer this as well! A large bag is Ј8.95 and lasts around 6 weeks with my 2 cats who are also house cats! Only needs cleaning every couple of days as well. The normal cat litter may be cheaper but needs changing more often and retains the smell!
  • I'd vouch for the wood pellets, too. If you use a deep tray and a good depth of pellets it's very effective.
  • Thanks all, I've not heard of wood chips but that's probably because we don't really look - tend to buy Thomas from Makro. I'll look next time I'm in a shop.
    We've got a lidded tray (to stop all flicky poo ) but they broke the door! May be time to invest in a new one!
  • Heehee I remember we got a litter tray for our cats that was too short, they used to sit in it and poo but their bottoms hung over the edge so the poo went on the kitchen floor. Just thought I'd share that with you all!
  • If you have a "pets at home" near you they have the lidded cat trays there for Ј12.99 I saw them today.
  • I've just soaked all my litter trays in vinegar & water. They had grey litter crud all stuck to the bottom. Now after two days and a bit of a brush around with clean water they've come up almost like new. ALL the crud totally gone. I love vinegar! Even bleach and Ajax hadn't stripped that crud off in the past. Bear in mind we've 19 cats. They still seem happy using the trays even with a very slight lingering smell of vinegar. So that's that, I'm using vinegar to clean trays every time from now on.
  • Try lining the tray with an old carrier, a thin layer of bicarb and then I used to use morrisons own litter. It was not too bad. Also try just feeding them on dried food as this can help stop the pebble dash effect!
  • I've also tried bicarb mixed in with the litter, but because I use clumping litter, it seemed to stop the clumping effect!
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