22 Feb 2017

A question about : Home Grown Potatoes ???

can anyone tell me the best variety of potatoes to grow in the garden and when to put them in. I have prepared a vegetable patch in the garden for runner Beans already and wanted to grow potatoes aswell.
Any help is more than welcome.

Best answers:

  • Hi,
    Have a look here:https://www.hdra.org.uk/organicgardening/nd_spuds.htm
    Think you might be a bit late for spuds, they need to be 'chitted' first, which means laying them on a tray or something in the dark until they have grown 'sprouts' about 1/3" long, then you stick them in the ground.
    I used to grow them a few years ago, but the ground here is clay and very heavy so they didn't do so well, even though they had loads of well-rotted horse manure, so I buy them by the sackfull from a local farmshop as we get through so many!
    Hope this helps,
  • A big welcome to the boards coffeebean.
  • You should be ok if you want to put a main crop in now. They don't need chitting.
    I have put Desiree in . If you go to your local garden centre you will be able to see which varieties are available.
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