03 Mar 2018

A question about : Hi Gal

Hows it going? As you never come round to my place anymore I thought I'd come and hang around here for a while.

Busy isn't it?

Best answers:

  • Rumour has it that Gal was trying to unicycle without the aid of a seat. Unfortunately he encountered a kerb and impaled himself in an unmentionable place.
    I expect the Gallic wit and charm will be around when he comes around. There is nothing but tranquil calm in the credit card forum.
    You should see the state of the mortgages and investment forums after I've had my say.
  • I had noticed. I try to keep the rowdy elements out of the pensions board. Obviously Gal and Payless are less discerning about who they let in.
  • I dunno. Martin seems to be able to get away with anything around here.
  • Thats cause hes God. :P
  • I let you in because every public place has to have it's resident drunk.
  • Hi Pal,
    Even moderators are allowed holidays or has Martin come to a different arrangement with you? Anyway, got back to the usual stack of correspondence which I am still dealing with. Normal service will be resumed as soon as I can get on top of things.
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