18 Jul 2015

A question about : help. Xmas do... suspected of doing DRUGS!!!!!!

Hi all,

Just after some advice, had the Office Xmas party on Thursday last week and I was heard SNIFFING in the toilets (i have had a terrible cold all week) anyway, turns out there was the Sales Manager taking a leak at the urinal at the same time I was in there... as i was leaving i said hello etc... and he said get out of my face also said he is no mug, been around the block a few times and knows what I was doing in there

He then rounded up everyone who was still there (this was quite late on) and made everyone leave me there... besides the two people who chose to stand by me as they know i'm not the kind to do drugs.

Met up with them/him later on by accident and he'd spread it round that i'm a smack head and after much condescending chat with him later he said if i admit i have a drug problem then he would stand by me...

He also said that if i just tell him what i was snorting in the bathroom he'd let it go.. so i said fine i was snorting a lozenge (i was drunk) then he said he didn't believe me and threatened me with a sit down on monday morning with high ranking managers etc... oh, and that i'd go to prison.

I'm really good at my job, I like it and i am NOT a coke fiend... What the hell should i do? This is ridiculous... please give me advice as this is really haunting me.


Best answers:

  • Firstly, you can detect drugs in your system for quite a while after you've taken them (2 to 5 days for cocaine), so tell him to organise a drugs test, and if it proves positive, you'll pay for the test yourself.
    You could always tell your work colleagues that the real reason he started the rumour was that you caught him having bum s*x in the cubicle with another man...
    EDIT: https://www.drug-aware.com/articles/16/order-online
  • he sounds like an idiot, if a boss was spreading rumors like that about me I would be considering putting in a grievance.
  • Its been a while since Ive worked in the A&D field, but a drug test for cocaine usually needs to be secured within 48hrs of last use. If it were me, I would be off to get a blood test, paying for it myself. Let this guy take you to management and then when the results come back negative and clear, showing that well within the 48hrs you got the test done - I would then ask him to pay the cost of it all and an apology with notification to all he had told, that he had apologised to you.
  • I might be wrong but I am sure there is a drugs 'toxicology'test that can be done by using strands of hair,maybe consider getting that done, or say to your employer that you are more than willing to undergo the test
  • Go over his head to higher management and state your case...If you let it drop nobody is going to believe you.If this was over a week ago, proving your case might be difficult....but it would be a mistake to leave the ball in his court.
  • here we go I knew I had read it somewhere
  • Thanks for all the quick replies, thing is, this is going to ruin my reputation....
    I mean, this was at 1am in a bar in town... well after hours, i just feel like i shouldn't even have to offer a drug test.. my word should be enough. I swore to him on my mothers life (last resort!) and he just stared at me flat and said "i don't believe you, that is what a drug addict would say"
    I have never felt so spoken down to in my life... everyone at work likes me, just this one guy (who i have nothing to do with really, doesn't even work in the same building) with a napoleon complex, decided that because i'm pretty cool and get a lot of recognition for what I do, decided to be a dick with me about this.
    Guess my card is marked now... even though i love the suggestion above about spreading a bum sex rumour!
  • Omg he sounds like a grade A t0sser!!
    I have a sneaky suspicion his seniors will know what he's like if they've ever socialised together before, people don't generally just turn into such idiots.
    He sounds paranoid aswell, maybe he's the druggy
  • Seriously, I wouldn't worry about it!
    Go along to the meeting, tell them you've never used drugs, and they're welcome to do a random drugs test on you at any time they choose.
    Odd this guy knows so much about drugs... perhaps he should be the one being tested??
  • Sounds like the manager was off his head on alcohol and being a total idiot, can he even remember what he said?
    I would be straight to HR putting in a grievance and announcing I would be contacting my solicitor.
    Oh and apart from the 2 who stayed with you, what a bunch of bloody sheep you work with!
  • What the heck?
    What a wierd thing for him to say?
    So - is he the sort of person who "gets the wrong end of the stick" frequently/is a bit paranoid or something on the one hand? On the other hand - what sort of impression do you give normally at work?
    We have no idea from the other end of a computer screen whether you look pretty "straight" or no/whether you actually are good at your job or no/what they know about your private life...
    it just seems such an odd thing for a colleague to come out with. I know that - in my own position - I would just raise my eyebrows VERY visibly and start laughing and cracking jokes about it to let people know JUST how wierd the whole idea was of ME (what!!!) taking drugs. But then - if you met me - you would instantly see (well I darn well hope so) JUST how wierd an idea that is - as I'm quite obviously FAR too concerned with being healthy and too much commonsense/intelligence to EVER have taken drugs. But - we cant see what sort of impression you are giving.
    So - what sort of impression are you giving? Yep - that IS a serious question...Its impossible to answer your query really until we know whether you taking drugs is a feasible scenario to the "outside observer" or no....
    ceridwen in blunt mode again - but I am finding it difficult for one to be able to see just WHY he would have made this accusation from behind this p.c. screen. Is the accusation because of some fault of his - or something you are doing and its impossible to see from the facts we have been given here.
  • Leave a line of sherbert on his desk Just for giggles
  • Ceridwen - I find it irrelevant whether the OP looks like the person who would take drugs or not (plenty of well dressed wealthy people or even celebs who do drugs too, they don't 'look' like typical down and out druggies!), I would be livid regardless of someone speaking total crap to me on a works do out of hours.
    It doesn't make it any more right whether someone looks more 'alternative' or not... there is nothing worse than people judging or presuming on looks especially from someone straight laced who may be well judging people incorrectly.
    The manager is a !!!! (and probably drunk given that it was 1am), regardless of what the OP looks like..
  • I am fuming... and as to what i look like... No... i don't look like a druggie. I do have a rocknroll image but i don't earn rockstar sums so i couldn't begin to support a coke addiction.
    This is just b*****ks to be honest.. i just need a strategy for monday morning.... he is fairly high ranking. absolutely crapping myself about it. i dont wanna make enemies in defending myself.
    This manager is "one of the lads" and if you oppose his alphaness he hates you... you know the type.. i am more of a lone wolf, not really a "jack the lad" type... I can barely handle my beer, let alone throwing drugs into the mix...
    Thank you all for your advice/support so far!
  • 'Smackhead' is slang for heroin addict, whereas sniffing in cubicles is usually associated with cocaine. So he 'knows what he's talking about', does he? :confused:
  • OP your manager sounds like a real decent colleague to work with NOt, he sounds like a !!!!
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