01 Apr 2017

A question about : Help with this petition

Want to play Curling in England? I know I do, but unfortunately there is only 1 dedicated curling rink...all the way down in Kent.

I have started a petition (which is being supported by the English Curling Association too) to try to persuade Sport England to invest more money into the sport of Curling, south of the border. Ice rinks are expensive to build so I am asking Sport England to help set up clubs at existing ice rinks, by helping with equipment costs and ice time costs. Right now ice rinks are reluctant because the financial cost to set up a club is so high (those stones are very expensive).

I only began the petition late last week so its still early days but your support would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps if you are really passionate about this cause you could share on facebook or twitter or get friends/family members to sign too?

Obviously Team GB is all Scottish, and thats totally fair enough as they have the better curlers, but as a sport that Team GB are very good at, I think there should be more opportunities in England to at least play the sport. England does have its own curling team too, but only has 1 rink to play at!


Best answers:

  • UPDATE: Over the 100 signatures mark now, so thanks to all who have signed. If you havent yet signed then it certainly isnt too late. Please sign or share the link with anyone you know who is interested in this sport and help to give Curling a more fair slice of the pie.
  • I've passed this onto some relatives in Kent to spread the word!
  • I'm signing in just a mo, CTI86, I just wanted to tell you that down here in Somerset we've had a couple of villages set up a 'rink' in village halls. I've no idea how it worked as I was unable to go, but may be worth googling in the meantime.
    Good luck with the petition.
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