13 Mar 2024

A question about : Help with overdue HMRC penalties

Hi there, and thanks for reading my post. I'm in a bit of a mess... basically I owe Ј2576 in penalties to HMRC for not filing my tax return. I don't know what to do, but I'm sure I did file it correctly. I've been in the USA for well over a year due to a family illness and have returned to this huge bill.

Do I just write to them and explain the situation? There's no way I can pay all of this, and it seems ridiculous that this entire bill is late fees.

Thank you for any help you can offer

Best answers:

  • I do file online, yes, and that's ALL penalties. I've just looked on their website, and it says my only outstanding tax return is 2012/2013. My fees are:
    Tax year ending 05 Apr 2013 1300.00
    Tax year ending 05 Apr 2011 1276.07
    Total 2576.07
    I'm sure I filed my return, but can't see anywhere on the website where to look. Also, do you know if I have to declare a cash gift on my tax return? I receive Ј800 per month, every month from a family member to supplement my income.
    Thanks very much for your help xxx
  • Hey, firstly, don't panic.
    Have you always been self employed and have you always filed self assessments? The penalties are for the tax years 2010/11 and 2012/13. The later one was due by January 2014 - have you not filed it yet?
    I'm an accountant - if you want to PM me your account details I can have a quick look? (Happy to provide you with my employment details so you can see that I'm legit!)
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