01 Sep 2015

A question about : Heartbroken, my husband left me this morning for another woman

Exactly as the title says, heartbroken, can't function.

Best answers:

  • So sorry to hear that, I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling right now.
    Was it completely out of the blue?
  • Treat yourself gently. You are in shock and he's probably miles ahead of you. You will find lots of support and advice over on the wikivorce forum as well as here. Don't make any hasty decisions, especially about money, and don't listen to the rubbish that comes out of his mouth. You will probably find it helpful to read Vikki Stark's Runaway Husbands.
  • Do you have any friends or family you can call on right now? Hopefully you can get someone round just to listen (although this place will do the same virtually if that is what you need).
    Sorry to hear the news though. These things are never good.
  • I'm so sorry to hear this. Remember that you won't feel this bad forever and things will improve. I know this isn't helpful right now when you feel terrible, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
    Hugs to you xx
  • Chin up, its very hard now especially if out of the blue! Time is the greatest healer, we are a great bunch on here if you are feeling upset and need to talk to people
  • Very sorry to hear this, OP. Have things been rocky for a while or were you totally surprised?
  • Wish I had some words that would help
    I am very sorry you are going through this
  • Sorry, been on the phone discovering there are 2 charging orders attached to the house.
    It was out of the blue, never imagined he would do that to me a 3rd time (first wife more) and I know I'm to blame to a degree, he has lots of hang ups about himself, always moody, not very confident, whereas Im the complete opposite, very happy, love family (he hates my family and my adult son) so kind of ignored him because I couldn't be bothered with his childish moods.
    I have always loved him, but always been very scared to show him, don't know how to word why.
    We have had a very volitile relationship, but always managed to make promises to each other to be nicer in the future because we loved each other.
    Iam totally to blame, if I had shown him I loved him, he wouldn't have looked elsewhere, I should have learnt the first and second time, I know all I have done his pushed him away, and now it's too late, he's met someone who will make him feel good about himself.
  • You are NOT at all to blame. From your description, it sounds as if you are 10 million times better off without him.
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