17 Nov 2016

A question about : Heading for winter with Slimming World

Right you lovely lot, here we go again with yet another brand new thread as we head towards that time of year (you know, the 'c' word - cards are in the shops already title=EEK!).

As has become the 'tradition', this first post will include the recipe link and the official version of the EE plan. Don't forget to add a subscription to the new thread so you can find it again.

Food Optimising is a plan for life, it is not a quick fix and you should look at weight losses over a period of time. There are no prizes for speed of weight loss.

You need to commit to making changes to the food that you buy and how you cook it, because what you have been doing in the past has not got you to where you want to be.

You cannot use parts of the plan that suit you and forget the rest.

If you are not prepared to make a commitment to change the behaviour that has got you into your current situation then nothing is going to change, and above all things, you need to be honest and accountable for every single mouthful of food that passes your lips.

You need to care enough to take time out to pre-plan your slimming campaign. Look again at the menu plans and see the variety and volume of food you can eat. All you have to lose is the weight.
Slimming World has been successfully helping people lose weight for over forty years, so trust them and read your Food Optimising and Choose Success books again and again.

Food Optimising is easy but life isn't. Losing weight is a battle but you have the battle plan in your food optimising book, your secret weapon is free food, and that, together with your healthy extras and syns add up to a healthy way of eating that can (and should) be a life plan. Success is there waiting for you………go for it!

The Original (Red) and Green plans are still going strong but most people may well have heard of the Extra Easy plan. If you've ever wondered if it works, I promise you it does. If you've ever wondered how it works, just trust the experts at SW, they wouldn't send you on the wrong path.

If you fancy having a go at EE, here are the official 'rules' to ensure that you not only lose weight regularly but get all the nutrition your body needs to function well:-

Extra Easy:

1: Choose your Free Food

Anything that’s Free Food on Green OR Original – so that’s pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat, poultry, fish and all the Superfree food – is totally Free on Extra Easy! Yes, you can eat unlimited meat, potatoes and veg, fish, chips and mushy peas, and chicken curry and rice with no measuring, no weighing, no counting – no kidding!

And for super-fast, super healthy results, fill one third of your plate with Superfree Food!

2: Choose your Healthy Extras

Each day select one Healthy Extra ‘a’ choice and one Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice from our simplified list of calcium and fibre-filled foods, including milk, cheese, bread and cereal.

3: Enjoy 5-15 Syns each day

And if the Syn values for Green and Original foods are different on the standard Syns lists, count the lower one!


If you find your weight loss has slowed down or stopped, check:-

1. Whether everything you're counting as Free, is Free

2. Whether you're under-estimating Syn values (over-estimate if guessing)

3. Whether you're counting everything that should be counted

4. Whether you're measuring everything that should be measured

5. Whether you're sabotaging your success in any other way (using SAS logs will help uncover individual long-term self-sabotage patterns) and, if none of these is the culprit, either...........

A: increase the proportion of Superfree Foods to half of your plate


B: switch to more Speed Foods

And above all, if you follow the plan, any plan, 100% you will lose weight!

Link to recipe thread:-


Best answers:

  • Thank you for the shiney new thread Consultant you're a STAR and we you x x x
  • I have been reading over the past few days, thinking about getting back on board, and the new thread seems like a good time to get back on the dizzy tank.
    I read some thing the other day which made me think:
    20 weeks to the end of the year, could equal 20 lbs off.
    20 lbs would get me close to my first target, and 1lb a week is more than reasonable.
    Good luck everyone, I will be back later to post diary and I must meal plan for the rest of the week, we have lots of veg to use up.
    L x
  • Thanks for the thread consultant
    Having an EE day today. Though not eaten much yet!
    Had a coffee(A)
    Weetabix (1/2B), milk(A), banana
    and that is it so far, have been out and about and was determined not to eat anything rubbish, even refused the choc chip muffin my mum offered me to go with my tea
    Pretty hungry now so have the oven on for dinner, which will be:
    Rotisserie chicken, potato cubes and salad, will syn some cheese (4)
    Have meringue for later(5) with strawberries. Nom Nom.
  • Thanks for the new thread consultant
  • Thankyou for the luverrrrly shiny new thread Consultant !
    what would we do without you
  • OOOOooo look at our lovely new thread - can I bring me new shiny with me
  • I'll join in, if I may. Absolutely love slimming world, and any extra input will be fab. I've just had a fab week and at weigh in yesterday lost a whopping 8lbs in a week , but have eaten loads and loads.
  • Thanks, I did a lot of walking delivering election papers approx 6 hours walking up and down a lot of very steep drives, it was either huge weight loss or me expiring I think
  • Hello everyone Im having an on off time with SW although I mist try harder to be on as my clothes are feeling pretty tight again ( eek) its fnialyl catching up with me.
    Will start again tomorrow as Im having something synful for tea tonight and I cant afford to waste food at the mo we are just so poor.
    Hope everyone is well and still continuing to be Losers in my absence
    L x
  • Well done Spangle - that's a brilliant loss - was it first week?
  • Can I come back please? Pretty please I have been reading the old thread during my absence
    I put a bit back on (half a stone ) but started again last week and actually lost 3llbs this week
    lbnblbnb 20 weeks to the end of the year but you're right and 1lb a week would get me to (past) target so that sounds like a plan to me
    Strap me on to the tank please Dizzy or whoever is driving it this week!!
  • Changed plan slightly, made my chicken a B choice which means i get an extra A rather than syn my cheese.
    Having an EE green day today. Though not eaten much yet!
    Had a coffee(A)
    Weetabix (1/2B), milk(A), banana
    and that is it so far, have been out and about and was determined not to eat anything rubbish, even refused the choc chip muffin my mum offered me to go with my tea
    Pretty hungry now so have the oven on for dinner, which will be:
    Rotisserie chicken(B), potato cubes and salad, cheese(A)
    Have meringue for later(5) with strawberries. Nom Nom.
  • Gormless me posted on the old thread despite Consultant putting in massive letters not to post Doh!!!
    So here is my post again LOL
    Originally Posted by consultant31
    I know you weren't picking on me really, but I prefer the word 'mature'

    I meant people who have been on the thread ages LOL.... no-one is old in my eyes.. I still feel 25... and am waaaaay off that!
    Have some veggie soup on the boil at the moment ready for tea (my easy can't be bothered to cook properly tea).
    The gym wasn't great and the pool was a little plunge type thing so won't bother with that as there is no scope to do any lengths in it.
    Oooo Dizzy you are having an extravaganza holiday a lovely 21 days. 2 different friends went to Guadalavaca (sp?) and they loved it. Swimming with the dolphins and an ace day trip on jeeps and horses with a massive BBQ at the end of the day. Hope we can get similar where we are. I'm looking forward to a Mojito or 6 whilst I'm there.
  • hooray - brand new shiny thread!
    but mention of winter - ohhhhh noooo - we haven't had summer yet!
    got to work out what to do for lunch tomorrow - have to take DD2 to Leeds for passport interview!
  • trixietoes, I love your signature!
    Still getting back into the swing of this, if you spot any mistakes please let me know.
    Green day (as always)
    HEA1: s/s milk in tea
    B: 2 x cauldron lincolnshire sausages (2 syns), baked beans, 2x small WM bread(HEB1), tablespoon flora light (2.5 syns, way too much, will use a teaspoon in the future)
    L: rice, onion, garlic, courgette, garam masala (free) half teaspoon olive oil (part of HEB)
    D: more rice from lunch, tarka dahl: lentils, onion, garlic, spices 2 teaspoons olive oil (part of HEB2).
    I have a HEA left, I might have some cheese (half fat cheddar, 42g) and lime pickle (2tbsp=2 syns) as a treat later.
    I may have a stella too with the dahl and rice, 7 syns wil take me to 13.5 syns, not bad!
    Not enough superfree so will make up a plate of fruit to munch on in front of the telly later too.
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