13 Mar 2024

A question about : Friday 26th September

When we start out on the DFW trail we do loads of big stuff that makes quite a difference to our situation. These include having our lightbulb moment, cutting up the credit cards and cancelling Sky and the gym .

But once we have done the bigger stuff, we often feel that we are not making the same amount of progress, when in fact the small steps are helping us form good financial habits and helping us get closer everyday to staying in control and becoming debt free, or staying debt free.

Examples could be hanging washing out instead of using the tumble dryer or leaving your purse/wallet at home to avoid the risk of spending .

So be proud of those small steps, they really are important title=Top

Best answers:

  • Wot no post again! Not that I've got a huge amount to contribute but this helps me to keep focussed.
    Happy Friday
    Today I am at work, have done packed lunches for all. Am using up my frozen portions of soup. Not sure what we will eat later because Mr T refused to sell me the Baking Potatoes I had chosen on Wednesday because "there is a legal issue". Never heard that one before! We will scrape something together no doubt.
    Have checked bank accounts. Nearly passed out as there was a small transaction I didn't recognise which can happen when fraudsters are testing out your card details (has happened to me before) but then realised what it was (OH not putting things in the diary AGAIN).
    No spends planned today.
    Hope everyone is well x
  • Thanks for starting the thread, SS
    So far today:
    Checked banks
    Taken a few bits to sales unit to replace items sold
    Taken a cake to a Macmillan coffee morning event
    Eaten too much cake
    Still to do:
    Pack and post a book sold on Amazon
    Clean upstairs
    Continue to tidy front garden
    Put business stock away (still haven't done this)
    All food from stores (except cake obviously )
    Hope everyone has a good day
  • Today I have/will:
    1. Checked online banking
    2. Checked credit report from Noddle
    3. NSD
    4. Meals from stores
    5. Set budget for next week
    6. Ordered Ј10 Next voucher from Consumer Pulse
    7. Read free kindle book
    8. Surveys
    Have a good day
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