19 May 2017

A question about : Freecycle (Merged Thread)

I am not sure if anyone ever wrote anything about this movement but a quick search did not bring anything so here we go. Freecycle is a simple idea:

you have stuff you don’t need in the house and need to get rid of it and on ebay it is hardly going to make you any money so you decide to take it to the tip or give it to charity.

This is where Freecycle is getting in.

It is a yahoo groups based web site (not for profit just in order to reduce the amount of rubbish we send into the landfills) where you can post a photo of your article with a bit of info where many people can see it and maybe take it away from you, hassle free and of course you can go and pick up stuff that you need from other members. This is a wonderful alternative to ebay and completely free.

The nice thing is that it is based on a regional system, so every town and district can have one.

I am not related to them in any way, I was just looking for a way to get rid of a big old aquarium we have (now had, thanks to Freecycle).

Yes you need a link I know : https://www.freecycle.org/display.php...ited%20Kingdom

Best answers:

  • Been mentioned on these boards many a time, but always worth a mention.
  • this has been posted before.. just goes to show that the search engine on this site isnt very good..
    used freecycle loads of times its great.
  • I swear to you , sticking the term 'Freecycle' this morning in the search facility here brought 0 results, and funny enough now when I search I find loads funny site...
    Sorry if this was already mentioned, just I thought it may help the environment.
  • freecycle.... ...... https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/...ight=freecycle
    When searching dont use a capital F
  • It's fab - I've used it for a while, giving stuff away and getting a few bits too. IMO much better than Ebay.
  • If you are thinking of registering with a branch of freecycle in a large town (typing from experience of the London group), do it from an email address used solely for freecycle -Yahoo is linked into it and easy to use. The amount of email freecycle generates would fill a landfill in days if the emails were printed!
  • I have registered with the three groups in my area, and asked for quite a lot of stuff, and given away too. Don't let the e mails bunch up, the freecycle goods will be gone.
    Ideal in a large city, but transport costs for county travel has to be taken into account.
    The local recycling centre is still tops with me, tho a minimal charge. and go often.
  • Get pop peeper to keep a tabs on yer email account so yer first come first served.
    You can set it to check for emails every 1min.
  • My outlook express checks emails every 1 minute - freecycle threads are emailed to me once posted - is poppeeper better/quicker than that?
  • Check if there's a freecycle in your area, if not start one!
  • this is great! I've just joined, there are local groups everywhere, or you can set one up ! all for free . freecycle.org
  • I can heartily recommend this group.
    I belong to a number of them in my area and it is a really great way to slow the increase of landfills. For example I recently decided I no longer needed my shed and advertised it on Freecycle, it was duly dismantled and relocated to an allotment in St Albans instead of ending up on a landfill or bonfire. I've also relocated two monitors and a whole bunch of other stuff that would have gone to the tip.
    You can *get* great stuff too, but please if you do decide to join your local group, go into it with a giving rather than taking attitude.
  • Instead of Freecycle use https://www.ForFreeForum.net instead - it was set up someone who uses the MSE board and has recently been launched.
  • I second that by menmat only because it is more user friendly than Freecycle.
    The format is similar to MSE.
  • I hadn't heard of ForFreeForum - thanks. At least it's a British thing rather than a basically American one!
    As for Freecycle, well I've given away a lot on there and acquired a few things. The problems I've encountered are people saying they want something and not collecting, "professional Freecyclers" who sit glued to their computers all day taking everything and then presumably selling it on, and deciding who to give the stuff to when you have a long list of recipients.
    Don't just give your stuff to the first person who responds - they are more than likely someone who hasn't thought things through and won't turn up, and it's unfair on the people who aren't glued to their computers all day.
    There is a debate about "professional" Freecyclers - after all, if someone gets your giveaways rather than them going to landfill, then what's the problem? I find the idea a bit distasteful though as it somehow flies in the face of the spirit of the thing. And I bet these people would be less consciencious about dumping stuff they can't get rid of than a "true" Freecycler.
  • I can also recommend Freecycle - I advertised for an upright piano, never really holding out much hope for such a big item being given away, but I go to collect it tomorrow night!
    I tried ForFreeForum, but after I registered I found out there's no forum for me here in Northern Ireland
  • Thanks for the info on the other site, I hadn't heard of it either.
    Mix and match them if you can
  • Based upon this thread I joined local group and got bombarded with irrelevant emails. Quickly unsubscribed.
    I want to persevere with this though maybe with a different email address. Can someone explain how it works? The page I got to didn't have much to say. Do you have to join a yahoo group as well as subscribing?
    Sorry. I should probably spend a little more time searching the freecycle website rather than asking you lot.
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