19 Jul 2015

A question about : found some possibly valuable collectables during my KonMari forays. Where to sell?

Hi everyone,
As the title suggests, I have come across a few potentially valuable collectable items during my first decluttering expeditions!
I hope I'm not posting in the wrong place, but you are all so knowledgeable.
I have uncovered a limited edition Steiff bear, it's a Harrods Christmas bear, name is Frederick :-) it's in box and has all the bumph with it.
Also have several Lara Craft figures/tableaus, still in original box unopened.
Last of all (for now) there is what looks like an old Margarat Tarrant print.
I am assuming it is a print, but I dont want to tear off the very old backing paper to find out.
Can anyone advise me on where is best to sell them? I have never sold anything on ebay, although I do have an acount.
Gumtree seems to be a touch discredited and as for local selling pages, they want everything for pennies!
Thanks for reading
Linda x

Best answers:

  • I would get them checked by a professional well ok certainly the bear. Ebay??? yes it is good for certain items but if they are originals they will be worth a lot and I am not sure that Ebay would attract the right type of buyer. A dealer will be able to advise you. PS well done for making a start.
  • Personally I wouldn't put them on Ebay if you're looking to get decent money for them. Or of they are in any way valuable. Ebay is like a jumble sale these days and people expect to get things for nothing - or next to it. The ebay fees on the final sales are a bit of a joke to IMO.
    I'd take them to get them valued at maybe an auctioneers?? Some serious collectors go to those. Or maybe the likes of the Lara Croft figures, maybe to a comic shop or Forbidden planet to at least get them valued. Then work your way from there, if it turns out they aren't that valuable then stick them on ebay and see what happens.
  • Just googled the bear and value is 250-300 dollars. (US) site. Maybe if you input sell Steiff bear you might get somewhere. Kongratulations on your finds.
  • I have a similar problem. Having moved house into a flat with little storage space with partner who has loads of stuff. I have decided to sell my collection of Carlton ware novelty china, I did advertise some on eBay but no offers. Having sold some vintage clothes at a silly low prices to local shops, I am a bit wary of approaching dealers as I am a poor negotiator and get ripped off.
  • Thanks for your input everyone. I do appreciate it.
    Linda x
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