18 Oct 2016

A question about : Flights to Sydney from Ј499 & New Zealand from Ј519

What's the deal?

Australian airline Qantas is running a seat sale from London, with return flights to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane and Auckland starting at a super-low £499, in taxes & charges (the next cheapest is c. £600). There're also flights to Christchurch and Auckland for £519.

Flights depart from London Heathrow until 23 June 2009. There is still good availability at the moment, but the sale ends this 2 June, so go quick.

How to find 'em

The flights are available direct through Qantas, but for a more advanced search you can use screenscraper Kayak. Enter your trip details and it'll zip them to scores of normal airlines, including Qantas, to find the cheapest.

If you don't mind when you fly, there's a quick way to get an idea which dates are available. On the Kayak homepage, enter London to Sydney (or the whichever destination you're looking for).

A box of 'best fares' should then appear on the right hand side. If you flick through the months, it should be clear which dates have £499 flights. Just search for a flight leaving on that date, and hopefully the cheap fare will still be available.

Remember for safety if booking, pay on a credit card to get extra protection, see the Section 75 guide for full info.

Don't assume it's automatically cheapest though
Always compare it to the results from the Cheap & Free Flights guide

This Forum Tip was included in MoneySavingExpert's weekly email
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Best answers:

  • Yes, great prices.
    BUT worth checking the likely climate, weather and daylight times for your destination before booking. It is Autumn/Winter down there at the moment.
  • Is this not exactly the same as the 'deal' you posted last week?
  • Thanks for pointing that out dmg24.
    We always try to use threads started by people on the forum when we can, even to the point of waiting for someone to post on the forum when we've actually already had a press release on it.
    Jenny hadn't been able to find the other thread in a search when she started this one. When I mentioned it to her she started a new post using an old post (if you can get your head round that) and inserted it into the top of Jeff121's thread, so we'll be using that thread for tonight's weekly email and not this one.
    Richardw, so your post is still discussing this offer I'm copying it over to the other thread.
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