03 Nov 2016

A question about : Flight Delay

Hello, would like some help on my situation with my flight delay.

I traveled to Spain in August 2014. Our British Airways Flight was suppose to take off at 11am, we got told we were being delayed for an hour then and hour turned into 7 hours. We got told from the staff in the airport that there was something wrong with one of the planes doors when it landed and they needed a British Airways engineer to fix it. They had to fly an engineer from London and a new cabin crew in case the engineer fixed the problem (which he did). We finally boarded our plane at 7.30pm. I wrote to British Airways explaining the situation and they wrote back to me saying my compensation claim has been refused as the aircraft damage was not caused by British Airways, it was damaged by an airport vehicle and the aircraft required immediate assessment and repair. As the damage was caused by a third party this was outside their control and is an extraordinary circumstance

Can i take this any further? Or do i have just have to accept this is an extraordinary circumstance.

Any help would be appreciated title=Smile

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