04 May 2016

A question about : energy company debt

hi im really hoping someone can give me some advice
i got a letter from pastdue credit solutions today concerning gas and electric provided by scottish power saying that i owe 1088.
very concerned as i had a pre-payment meter so i was paying as i used this credit company have also applied a 32 % charge why i dont know because this is the first letter ive had can anyone help or advise me as to what i do please

Best answers:

  • ive had nothing from scottish power but cant understand why when i have paid for the gas and electric as ive used it i am due them money at the end of the day if didnt put money on the card and into meter i would have no electric or gas
  • contact the energy supplier directly to clarify if you have an actual debt with them.Until the energy supplier confirms you actually owe them money ignore the debt collectors.
  • Hi claretmagic if you e-mail your account details to onlinecomplaints@scottishpower.com we will look into this for you. Thanks David
  • It is also worth remembering these meters are also used to clawback past arrears - so ceasing to pay before the outstanding balance is cleared means at debt still exists as a percentage of the key recharge pays off the outstanding amount.
  • Hi claretmagic, thank you for your query regarding energy company debt
    It is not clear from your post if you have always had a prepayment meter or whether you have ever had arrears with your energy supplier (it is possibly it is from a previous address or from a joint account that has gone to a sole account so they could not add it as a debt onto the meter?). If you have always had a prepayment meter and they have not updated it when a tariff has increased as can be the case on older meters, there are rules and guidelines about how long they can back bill but without further information I cannot advise you fully and I would suggest you investigate further and then contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau which you can find at www.citizensadvice.org.uk.
    Hope this is of assistance
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