27 Nov 2015

A question about : eBay listing challenge

This is my first attempt at hosting a goal, if there's already this one then please let me know and I'll hop over and join it but I did have a search though.. Also might need advice on how to measure, I'm thinking...there's 215 ish days left in the year so

JUNE eBay Challenge
Name Listed/Aim
1. Grassgirl. 6/20
2. MrsSmith2013 10/100
3. Jay125. Sold - xx profit Ј
4. PrincessLou. 0/5
5. Melaniep101. 3/15

(will sort out the tabs when on a pc next) title=Smile

*there are now 20 free listings per month on eBay, no matter what the start price is so you only need pay the final value fees on those 20! title=Smile (excluding motors and classifieds)

Best answers:

  • Hi Grassgirl,
    I'm hoping to list my 100 items on ebay in the month of June as thats my monthly listing limit - not sure if I'll make it or not, but am going to give it a good try! Have 10 active listings just now, only 90 to go!!
    Mrs S x
  • Hi I would like to join. Plan to start listing today many years ago I did sell on ebay but tend to loss motivation. I have a house full of clutter my aim would be to sell to help towards 1% challenge.
    For me keeping track of the profit and number of items sold less clutter would be good.
  • Hi and well done Mrs S
    Hi Jay125
    I'm going to use this to motivate myself too, just sold my car but need to keep going with the little items too
    Will straighten columns when on a pc, just on phone so bit awkward, keep it up though, will hope to do this challenge monthly, resetting on the 1st, maybe with a running total? Happy happy hehe x
  • Please can I join?
    On a normal month I would gave aimed for 20 items a month but I'm going on holiday at the end of the month so I will aim for 5 items in June please!
  • Can I join please? Can you put me down for 15 for June? Already got three items on there.
  • How's everyone doing? Do you do several at a time or pace yourself? I'd like to get up to speed and attempt one a day next month..
    I'll be switching on the broadband next weds (YAY!) so will be able to update more often then might have a cheap drink to celebrate (not been online properly for a couple of years, these forums are really keeping me on track re bill payments and saving now just need the job to fall in line too (:
  • BUMP
    don't forget to subscribe to this thread if you're joining us x
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