02 Oct 2015

A question about : E: 06/03 Win a bundle of Sony tech


What is the six letter word (there is a clue at the end of each Stuff Talks video)?

I cannot play video

Best answers:

  • Captcha verification failed. you may not be human. please try again
  • Prize: Xperia Z3 smartphone, an Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact and a SmartWatch 3
  • "You'll need to watch several of the series to get the correct answer, a one-letter clue will appear in each video; Stuff Talks will be released every two weeks on Stuff.tv and the Stuff YouTube channel. "
    Possibly best to wait rather than try guessing the whole word at this point!
  • https://www.stuff.tv/sony/stuff-talks...graphy/feature
  • Looking likely that Snakepilsen is right. Video 2 is up and the clue at the end is:
    _ P _ _ _ A
  • Just for confirmation, Video 3
    _ P _ R _ A
    (Edit : Not really for confirmation, I had the list showing Ending Tomorrow, and this post was in there, didn't realise it wasn't ending tomorrow)
  • Did anyone see Video No.4 yet? or am I jumping too early
  • Just watched it and it is E
    _ P E R _ A
  • There is no clue in the end of the clip #5 video, maybe I watched wrong one?
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