14 Jul 2015

A question about : DWP employment waiting list

Hi everyone,

I recently went for an Interview and Assessment exercise for an Admin Officer post with the dwp.Ive since recieved a letter to say ive been successful and ive been put on a waiting list..in the interview i was told that the posts were for last week in feb there was no mention of any waiting list?? Just wondering if anyones had any expierence of this? I contacted the dwp who informed me the waiting list is for up to 6 months and she could not give me any idea of when i would be contacted just that they take 10 people a time from the waiting list to fill posts at that time.Ive also recieved a few days after a form to fill in for them to do police checks..does this mean they are not far from offering me a job?


Best answers:

  • I was in a similar situation. I asked for my position on the list under the data protection and was told what number I was and how many there were. Maybe work a try.
    As far as I know there is always a waiting list. I know some people who've been on for two weeks or over 5 months. See where you get with what I suggested.
  • I recently went for a mass intake interview with DWP, they had 2 intakes, one in Nov/Dec and the other in Feb. I also got told I would be put on the waiting list, I got offered an actual position about 3 weeks later, so they were prett quick, however I was sucessful in another job so too them up on that before DWP contacted me so I had to decline
    Hope you hear soon.
  • Firstly congratulations for getting the job.
    Like others have said the waiting list is a normal procedure adopted by dwp. You have done well, I applied for the Executive Officer position in Nov and have not had a reply back apart from the automated reply email. Their wasn't many AO positions in my area when I look so, they were far away so I didn't apply for those.
  • Thanks for the replys everyone
  • I went for an external post (I was already an AO) for an EO position (this was in 2000) with the Jobcentre. I got through but then was told that all postings had been stopped due to lack of money! I was at the top of the list, but there was no idea when or if there would ever be a job at the end of it! Because I was already within the DWP, my manager pulled a few strings and asked the district manager what was happening, and a couple of weeks later I was offered a post. Unfortunately (for them!) I had also been for a promotion board and had got through that, and so was on the list for a post within the CSA and that was offered to me on the same day that I was called and offered the Jobcentre post! I felt bad because my manager had put himself out, but I had really wanted the CSA job and so took that instead.
    So yes, it is normal practise for the DWP to put you on a list - although it is frustrating when you think there is a job but you don't know when!!
  • Due to the economic downturn there is no shortage of vacancies in Jobcentre Plus, you don't say which part of DWP you applied to, if it was Jobcentre Plus the waiting list will continue until they can get a suitable training opportunity for you, to be honest you're not much use to them until they've got you trained up, this training can take several weeks if you were employeed to administer benefits. If you've been put forward for security checks you'll already have been accepted for a post, pending suitable results of the checks.
  • I think Lord_Dante's advice is spot on. Ring Newcastle (where the letter would have come from) and ask where you are on the waiting list and how many vacancies they need to fill now.
    My daughter has been on a DWP waiting list on 3 or 4 occasions but hasn't yet been offered a job. A lot is dependent on others turning down the job or dropping out early on in training, etc.
  • I have been on the waiting list since oct 08, not heard anything until a few weeks ago someone from Newcastle called me asking me to send in some wage slips etc. Again it seems to be a waiting game I am waiting for a position within JCP is there anyone out there that knows what the internal process is with the recruitment? is the employment checks the last stage? I have been with the same employer for the last 10 years.
  • I hate it when this happens. I have had lecturing jobs where I have been held in a pool indefinitely.
    Job advertisements should have to make it clear if they are looking for a pool of employees.
    Well done though!
  • I had an interview for a Pensions Advisor with DWP in November 2008 - on waiting list - had phone call this morning to start in March.
  • I went on the waiting list the beginning of December then completed my health & character decs before christmas I called them after the new year to see if everything came back they had received my refs but no health or character decs I received a call a week later asking me if I had received an email advising me that the health & character dec hadn't been received as I hadn't received these they were emailed to me I completed and sent straight back and received a call offering me a job that afternoon with a choice of 3 training courses.
    I start my training tomorrow for 4 weeks I received my offer in writing yesterday hope this helps someone.
  • Hi all
    I've had an interview for an AO post and its been over a week now but no reply? Do you know how long it takes till they write to you and respond? also how and when we receive the test scores?
    Any help would be appreciated
  • Hi sportfan I to am still waiting , for both results from interveiw and results from tests, was thinking about ringing but not really sure what to do.
  • i done my tests on 27th jan and recieved the results on 18 feb. my interview 16th feb and they said they contact me by post within 2 weeks if this helps
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