18 Feb 2018

A question about : Does anyone know........

Hi everyone,

I have a crap credit rating and have recently applied for a capital one no hassle card....

Does anyone know if i get rejected for this card will they offer me the classic card?? Which i now understand would be more suited to someone with my credit rating..


Or can anyone suggest a card that is almost impossible to get declined ;D

Best answers:

  • My advice is to get yourself on the electoral roll - do you have a reason you can't do this?
    I believe it's a legal requirement.
    You should also look at your credit report to see ways of improving your credit rating.
    I found the equifax credit rating helpful in doing this and there is an offer for Ј3.50 (for on-line report and rating) on this site if you search.
  • The internal credit card issuing policies of all the credit card companies are a mystery. You can try for a card !but refusal may blot your record. It is best to sit tight and see what you get. Anything is better than nothing but you cannot afford to pay interest whilst you rebuild your credit history.
  • hi eveyone !>
    I just got home from work to find that in my post was a letter from capital one starting with.....
    Unfortunately....... blah blah blahhhhhh
    > For ****s sake
    I will have to do what you suggested lisyloo and go to equifax
    I'm not sure where i stand with all this !???
    It's just not fair !>
  • Err its completely 'fair'...
    Would you lend yourself money?
    Try Providian - its run by Barcalycard - but its for people who are "crap with money"
    I think they do a 0% intro offer but otherwise are poor.
  • I suppose you have a point....
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