26 Feb 2016

A question about : Discharged Bankrupt (10 years) wants to rent


I’d like some advice please.

My partner and I are looking to move away and rent a house.

I’m more than aware that Bankruptcy can affect the chances of getting a Landlord to take us on.

I went Bankrupt in 2004 and was discharged in 2005. It is no longer on my Credit File as I have checked.

I’m aware that if I’m asked, I legally have to state that I have been Bankrupt, even though it was 10 years ago and it’s clear off my files, I still have to do it. My partner seems to think that because of that I’m never going to get anything as once a bad payer, always a bad payer (he has a weird attitude when it comes to things like this).

We recently looked at a house which we both fell in love with and the Estate Agent sent a Homelet form for us to fill in. He noticed the question “Have you ever had a CCJ or adverse credit history”, now he thinks our job search is all over and we had a bit of a disagreement about it last night.

My Credit file isn’t squeaky clean as I had a few big issues last year when I was unemployed, and there are a few missed payments, but it’s improving month by month and I’m really pleased with the progress of it. I’m doing everything I can to get myself up another level.

I’m currently working – temping actually. It’s to tide us over until we move, and we are saving like crazy. We are actually re-locating, so a temp job for me is much easier, so that when we do move, I only have to give a weeks notice.

We are saving so that we have at least 6 months rent in the account, should I not find a job in the new area immediately. Although having spoken to several recruitment agencies, finding a job will not be a problem and I’m prepared to do anything (cleaning, shelf stacking) until I find something in my expertise. My partner has his own business and has made a real success out of it for the last 16 years. He also has a very reliable, secure guarantor.

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