13 Mar 2024

A question about : Debt Free Companies/IVA

Hi, I am hoping somebody can help I took an IVA out and the professional debt company that have been dealing with it worry me more than when i was in debt who can I talk to with reference to my concerns the final payments was made over a year ago but still I am unable to get on with my life and put this massive mistake behind me, I just want to move on.

I have contacted financial omsbudsman they say nothing to do with them and Citizens advice and nobody seems to be able to advise. Tried to speak to company concerned but get different information and unable to speak to the person who deals with my case only ever customer services; emailed and get no response for weeks. It is so stressful.

Any help gladly received and thank you in advance

Best answers:

  • Have you got your certificate of completion?
    Have you done the post IVA credit file clean up?
    What are your specific concerns?
    Have you had a look on the IVA/DRO sub board for advice?
    Sorry for all the questions, hope you get the answers you need.
  • Quite a good summary on complaining I came across the other day: https://debtcamel.co.uk/complaint-iva/
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