25 Sep 2016

A question about : Death Certificate (interim) copies?

Ex wife has died and helping my daughter deal with her affairs, due to the circumstances of the death (sudden and at home alone) an inquest is to be held, an interim Death Certificate is to be issued.

We need to provide a death certificate to the pension company for any potential death in service benefit, assume they will need an original not a copy of the certificate, but the coroner only appears to send one.

Can we ask for further copies of this from the Coroner? or do we post the original, wait for it to come back, then send it to the bank to close her account etc?

There are few that will need to see the certificate as my daughter is only next of kin and is not administering the estate as it is insolvent, the advice has been to leave well alone.

Thanks is advance for your help!

Best answers:

  • The coroner might not issue more, but worth asking. If not, go to a solicitors or bank and ask them to do you some certified copies, it should only cost a few quid.
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