24 Feb 2017

A question about : Daydream thread... without the rose-tinted specs

Here's the new Daydreamers thread, all nice and shiny!

Welcome one and all, tell us your highs and lows, you'll always find someone to congratulate or commiserate!

Here's to the next 10,000 posts... title=Have

Here is the old thread if you want to wade through 510 pages of it:

Best answers:

  • Thanks for the new thread, Alex & let's hope this one brings even more daydreams to fruition ....... including yours & mine
    Love the title
  • oh.....i dont like the title !! doom and gloom or what !!
    wheres the positive gone.....
    i know i feel poorly but now im depressed...
  • I didn't mean it to be all doom and gloom. We all know that sometimes there are rough patches - it's those that make us appreciate the good times! I can try and change it if everyone thinks it should be a more upbeat title?
  • We all say the nightmare thing sometimes. Me especially. But then, sometimes it is.
    Maybe something like".....Not All Roses Round The Door." might convey the same sort of message, but in a less full-on way.
  • Do we get a telegram from the Queen when we reach 30,000 posts? Or Martin Lewis?!
    Nothing but wind and rain here at the moment.
    My twins are "performing" in Puss in Boots at Theatr Mwldan tonight for the local dance troupe. That should be interesting...
    Hehe, I really must change my avatar.....
  • good day to you all.
    ive just finished doing my "anorak" duties on the railway. as i left so the train'y people turned up...
    i have just been offered/tempted by the tale of a storage container full of OLD african furniture that they want shot of....
    i have the storage now...
    am awaiting pictures of whats inside and as they are paying 100 a month storage fees [last 2 years] will be cheap...
    am i tempted...
    my head is banging today and im still feeling like sh*te . not able to go to scotland now.. as i need to have another scan.
    only did work on railway as id promised and really didnt feel like it but Ј's ......
    im sat looking at an overgrown hedge and a hedge cutter....... not sure if i will over do myself but it needs doing........
    my umpf has umpfed off...
  • Weather has a lot to answer for, doesn't it?
    I just feel like I live in 95% winter. Being really miserable, sorry, I'll point out that this time next week the days start to shorten.
    We've both got 'heavy' heads at the moment from the low pressure & constant strong winds blowing. I really need to be able to get some decent sun (without ticks) to help the skin & lift the spirits but it doesn't look like it's on the cards.
    I'm sure that living in the countryside makes one much more aware of (& eventually slaves to) whatever the elements throw at us.
    Living in town means temporarily wet pavements. Out here it's being permanently surrounded by water & mud.
    Oh well, my apologies, just having a mini rant. Nothing to be done about it.
    Roses look good, LIR.
  • Hi Everyone, OMG A new thread!
    Been pretty busy for a while, I have tried to keep up then realised you'd moved!
    Nothing that much to report here, pretty much same as always so I haven't really felt the need to write...groundhog day springs to mind!
    Sorry to hear of the various ills and ailments out there, this grotty weather doesn't help, praying for sunshine again - oh, there it is!!!
    CTC - saw the drama unfold with your theft, what *******! A local friend of mine had stuff stolen from her land recently, broad daylight, what is it coming to? It's made me a lot more wary of leaving stuff around but no room to put everything indoors or even out of sight...
    And love the piglets! I'm up to 20 pigs atm, another 10 will be here by the end of the month I reckon but I will start selling some from next week hopefully. I went to the market last Friday and my mate picked up a load of weaners, I was going to mention them to you but I was too late!
    Here's to another 10,000!
  • Saw this & thought of you, fk
  • Well, I can see the funny side of the title. There are few posters who don't have regular nightmare moments & so have a good old moan about something or other
    We all had the opportunity to start a new thread from 200 posts earlier & none of us did ....... so I'll go along with whatever the person who actually starts it (in this case Alex) decides to call it.
    In Brian Connelly mode "It's a puppet thread title" not a fortune-telling!
  • Put in an offer for this garden (with a tatty bungalow attached) yesterday. Got to wait until Monday to find out if offer accepted. Its nail biting. Always wanted a bigger garden. I can have chucks again, and a pond. Its a blank canvas really, and if it all comes off it will keep DH busy for a while (poor chap he is not a natural gardener)
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