10 Dec 2016

A question about : Dashboard Camera

Having watched Car Crash Britain on ITV recently it has made me consider getting a dashboard camera for my car. When it came to insurance claims and prosecuting other drivers the video evidence was invaluable in each and every case. Does anyone have one fitted in their car? Any recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

Best answers:

  • This would depend on how much you want to spend. They range from Ј20 from China (waste of money) to over Ј400.
    I have the Nextbase 402g professional at Ј140 from halfords.This one does everything that the more expensive Roadhawk does.The nextbase came first in a autocar magazine survey. And came frst in a which survey.
    The nextbase records your position via google maps . Your acceleration ,braking, and lateral movment with a time and date stamp.
    What i particularly like is it has an HDMI cable and a HDMI port so you can review your footage on the TV at home . This is where you can really see the quality of the recordings.
    A few insurance companies will give you a discount on your premium if you have a nextbase dashcam fitted.
    I have had one for a while now and on at least one occasion has completely exonerated me from blame in an accident where i had 4 witnesses from the other car who concocted a story between themselves to put the blame on me.
    Dont just take my recommendations google dashcam reviews there are loads on youtube. This will help you decide.
    Come back and let us know which one you purchase.
  • I have "Roadhawk" not cheap but well worth the money.
    Was involved in a not my fault accident two years ago now (three months after I bought it ). And it paid fo itself then.
  • I am in my 80's and The assumption is that any accident I an involved in would probably have been my fault.
  • I have a nextbase 302g and I think it was Ј99 from Halfords, been excellent so far, I got mine's after a couple of near misses by other drivers, my mate also went on to buy two, one for his and one for his BH's car, has had no problems with it.
    Has GPS so when you hook it up to your pc and download it has maps showing your journey, speed is on the video, as well as, if you have an accident, god forbid, it has a G-Force sensor which tells which direction you were hit.
    Installation is fairly straightforward too.
  • Nextbase seem to have a good following especially amongst HGV and coach drivers .basically does what it says on the tin.
    I notice www.policewitness.com are charging over Ј200 for the 402g . But you do get free membership to some kind of scheme . Which in my opinion is just a con. They take your footage and send it to the police for you.
    So dont waste your money on them.
  • Got the Transcend DrivePro 200 with optional suction mount easy set up. It has built in wifi you can use with your phone if you download iOS/android app.
  • https://uk.transcend-info.com/Products/No-675
  • That link shows the 100 version don't think that one has wifi though.
  • Someone really should make a dashcam sticky thread. the forum gets the same question on a weekly basis.
  • Some of the Camera's being mentioned are a bit on the large/obvious side, probably OK if you leave your car somewhere safe but there are others that are much more difficult to see from the outside.
    I've had a Mini 0801 installed for 14months now and its never failed. Only Ј42 delivered on Amazon (from E-prance) plus the cost of a memory card.
    Google Techmoan, he's reviewed every Dashcam worth reviewing.
  • I have the E-Prance G1W, excellent piece of kit for the money, and easy to remove and hid in the glovebox or in your pocket when you leave the car, a review for it is here, the quality is excellent, only downer ive seen is the battery isnt brilliant so i keep mine plugged in (lasts about 45 mins)
  • RoadHawk ride for the bike which is good in the day time but weak in the dark.
    In the car i have a mobius dashcam, which is good in both daylight and at night time (and half the price of the roadhawk - but isn't waterproof).
    techmoan.com has a good review of it.
  • I've not had much luck recently with another driver going through a red traffic light and hitting me (still with insurer assessing the liability, 6 months on) and a few weeks ago where someone dented my passenger door by opening (whacking) their door in a staff car park.
    If I had a dash cam that had motion detection to record any activity, I could have identified the person...
    Is there a dash cam that can be used continuously via battery (or via a USB external battery/charger)?
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