25 May 2016

A question about : The CSA keeps badgering me to go back to work, but work doesnt pay, suggestions pleas

The CSA keeps ringing me up and telling me to go back to work. Im not signing on so I dont think I have to. I paid off the mortgage from an inheritance several years ago.

The problem is, simply, too expensive.

My gf works 2 days a week and earns Ј10640 a year, she gets W&CTC's Ј5243.71 and pays Ј1299.20 in tac and NI giving a total net income of 14584.51.

I paid off the mortgage several years ago so I dont have much outgoings and dont need to work, so I look after our 2 year old while my gf is at work.

The CSA want me to go out to work, but I cant because they cheated last time on a previous assessment on CS1 by banning travel to work costs when I was actually allowed it *(150miles/week rule) on CS1 which confirmed it did not pay me to work.

I would earn (Ј7.05per/h) Ј14665 before tax as a multi-drop delivery driver taxed/NI of Ј2426.30 leaving a nett of Ј12238.70. The CSA would charge me Ј3761.61 a year for two other children (not absent through my own choice) leaving a residual income of Ј8477.09.

My g/f would also lose her tax credits because my income is taken into account and HMRC disregards child mainetnance liabilities, a loss of Ј5243.71 a year which leaves a net gain of Ј3305.09 a year if I went back to work.

Its not worth me working for Ј63.55 a week. Have I missed anything?

The CSA will not give any consessions, nor agree any settlements until after I have gone back to work. I offered to return to work on condition they correct the previous assessment for travel to work, but they hide behind rules and regulations. Given this attitude, I dont trust the CSA to commit to work.

And is there a way to get the CSA to quit with the pesky telephone calls?

Regards, James

Best answers:

  • in short, tell them to f00k off.
    if you're not earning, then you're not liable. is it possible to come to a private agreement with your ex?
    if she closes the csa case then it may end up financially viable for the pair of you?
    if not, then block the number the csa call from and write them a stinking letter telling them to "do one" and carry on being house husband.
  • His gf is receiving the tax credits to which she is entitled.
    I'm sure he didn't come here for a lecture, this board is going downhill rapidly thanks to picky, arsey, keyboard warriors like you.
  • @DX2 However he is looking after the 2 year old and thus is no different from a stay at home mum which taxes also fund. The child probably benefits more from the extra time with him than having 1/4 of a nursery worker's attention (1/8th @3 years old) anyway and the nursery cost would likely be ridiculous.
    To the OP I would suggest, as another posted above, offering to make a private agreement with the PWC in exchange for CSA case closing. I would suggest to her that you want to pay towards your kids but the CSA rules are making it not worthwhile working and tell her what you posted above. Who knows maybe after such an overture and several months of maintenace payments later you could broach the subject of contact ^.^
    However if you go that route keep the contact and maintenance discussions completely separate from each other and bide your time and build up your credibility.
    Best of luck.
  • Thanks guys for the help so far. The kind of help I am looking for is whether I have made a mistake with the arithmetic and I could find a way to make work financially viable under my current circumstances.
  • Yes, up until then point I asked for travel to work and the CSA rejected my claim.
    I dont have a problem paying the CSA, I only have a problem with being cheated.
    We are going off topic.
  • There is nothing morally right about a mum deliberately depriving children of a paternal family life to suit her own financial agenda through the CSA.
    The CSA did threaten me with accusations I stopped work to get out of paying for my children, but I sent the threat to my MP with a complaint of blackmail and fraud and he intervened. The threats did stop. There is nothing morally right about committing extortion.
    I looked at working two days, but do look at my original post, it really makes no financial sense. I thought this was a money forum....
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