30 May 2016

A question about : csa calculator

Just been playing round with the figures using the csa calculator, it seems the more a person earns the more money they have to pay. Now am I missing something as surely a child doesn't become more expensive the more the parent earns?!?

Best answers:

  • hahahaha yes they are! i cant see how one child costs us nearly Ј300 a month both of mine do not cost us that much! its not like they eat a lot or need clothes each month!!! its just stupid and as for child care the government foots the bill for most of that!
  • Isn't the point that a child should get the benefit of a parent's improved income, irrespective of whether the parent lives with them. It isn't just about food and clothes - more income increases the opportunities for music lessons, sports, school trips, books, computers, all sorts of things that will stand the child in good stead.
  • Spot on gairlochgal - that is EXACTLY why it is so.
  • music lessons, sports, school trips, computers, all sorts of things arnt neccasary
  • So what if some of the pwc who try to fleece their ex's due to their earnings or bitterness or whatever, just asked for a reasonable amount and then got said ex's to help out with school trips, uniforms etc???
  • In an ideal world that would be great but it isn't always that simple.
  • i personally think that CSA money should be paid in vouchers. My OH pays fortune for his 2 kids but they've always got holey clothes etc/too small etc yet the kids have told him that mummy drinks lots of bottles of wine and has a huge bowl with cigarettes in it:rolleyes:
    out of the mouths of babes eh
  • Ooh does this mean contact has been reinstated Hamstercheeks?
    In answer to the general question - a child has the right to have contact from both parents and to benefit from the income of both parents.
  • Teenagers are expensive as they suddenly shoot up in size and you are suddenly paying for adult sized clothes and no longer the cheap kiddie clothes. In the space of a year my 15 year old has jumped from a normal child size to 6ft 5in. with size 13 feet! My daughter is also now just turned 13 and just starting her growth spurt! My children need extra curriculum activities to help them grow into decent, healthy and help them do well in the future...My kids both want to go college then uni and get a good carreer...all needs paying for!
    I would be very very happy for my kids to see their dad and for him to contribute in clothes and other stuff for them instead of paying me money...however he chose to walk away to a new life when they were very tiny and does everything he possibly can to avoid paying CSA.
    I am not a PWC who wants to milk her ex for everything...but a PWC that expects the father of her children to play his part in their life which he was very happy to do at the start before he thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence.
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