12 Aug 2015

A question about : Cross Stitch Cafe 2011

Have you got some UFO's (UnFinished Objects) still to finish??

Setting yourself deadlines for stitching cards and pressies?

Half way thro a huge project and needing motivation to finish?

Then grap a cuppa tea and come and have a moan, come a borrow ideas, or just look lovingly at everyone else's projects.

Don't forget to set yourself up a photo album account - see below for our Flikr group - to share all your lovely work.


How to share your pics from FLIKR:
1) Go to the picture you want to show us click the 'Share This' button on the top left of the picture, this will show you a number of options and the one you need is called 'Grab the HTML/BBCode', Tick the button for BBCode and it'll convert the code to what you need.
2) Copy the text in the box and paste it into a new post on MSE and it should have everything you need to insert the image into your post. You can check this by clicking Preview Message.

Hope to see some 2009/ 2010 UFO'ers + some new faces.

The flikr group

The facebook group


(old thread here)

Best answers:

  • Here's your challange numbers (as of 25th December 2010).
    Its that time of the month again...... what's your January 2011 challange??
    No1 - nmm
    No2 - Bubbles911
    No3 - *Louise*
    No4 - Simac
    No5 - Dorastar
    No6 - Littlestar1981
    No7 - Thrifty
    No8 - Mrsmacawber
    No9 - shelly
    No10 - Maria and the Imps
    No11 - Harley1
    No12 - Chickywiggle ....... To complete "I stitch therefore I stash"
    No 12 and a half - 'tinywiggle'
    No13 - Keiss21
    No14 - Emzy81
    No15 - Mountain Ash
    No16 - Lelc
    No17 - Funfairprincess
    No18 - Elliep
    No19 - Kezbabybabe
    No20 - Craftygranny
    No21 - Witchwoopiggy
    No22 - Louiseey
    No23 - 23rdspiral
    No24 - Spottybutterfly
    No25 - sweetcarer
    No26 - Skoobie1
    No27 - Ruth Honey
    No28 - Mad as a March hare
    No29 - Erics Mum
    No30 - Welshlassie
    No31 - cazmcf
    No32 - niamhirl
    No33 - Myzdamena
    No34 - Charliec45
    No35 - littlemisschocolate
    No36 - cassolete
    No 37 - LindseyandMatthew
    No 38 - natc
    No 39 - zuzieq
    No 40 - Elle1267
    No 41 - Lilliant
    No 42 - sammykaye18
    No 43 - ab7167
    No 44 - bikerchick1066
    No 45 - sammr85
    No 46 - awesome2
    No 47 - pennib
    No 48 - Mrs_Ryan
    No 49 - tellmeitsfriday
    No 50 - Mags_cat
    No 51 - Sammyw
    No 52 - millymoomoo
    No 53 - vivkietm
    No 54 - catchooky
    No 55 - Flat Eric
    No 56 - Nannon
    No 57 - Wallaby214 - finish seaside scene.
    No 58 - ejs2311 - Titanic and Kingfisher plate (Jan and Feb)
    No. 59 - Ailsb
    No. 60 - Marru
    No, 61 - Nykied
    No. 62 - Observer
    No. 63 - Mrs-moneypenny
    No. 64 - Tryingtobeoldstyle
    No. 65 - Trying hard
    No. 66 - blue_eyed_girl
    No. 67 - sophieandemily
    No. 68 -clarew
    No. 69 - caroline78
    No. 70 - Soulie
    (p.s. regular CSC'ers will know I have a memory like a sieve - if one of you can keep an updated list, with the challange set if possible and PM if me - or post it every month - I promise to keep this updated).
  • many Thanks to Kez for her hard work compiling this thread. If you know of any good ones to add please PM them to me.
    Our Favourites:
    Sew and So - www.sewandso.co.uk
    Across Town Stitching - www.across-town-stitching.talktalk.net (Great for cheap threads)
    Other sites:
    Elite Designs - www.elite-designs.co.uk
    Siamese Craft Stitcher - https://www.siamesecraftstitcher.co.uk/
    The Happy Cross-stitcher - www.thehappycross-stitcher.com
    Country Cross Stitch Kits - https://www.countrycrossstitchkits.co.uk/
    Cross-stitch World - www.crossstitchworld.com/
    Cross-stitch UK - www.crossstitchuk.com
    Amercian Based Sites:
    Heaven and Earth Designs - https://heavenandearthdesigns.com
    The Silver Needle - www.thesilverneedle.net
    Mystic Stitch - www.mysticstitch.com
    Artist Specific Sites:
    Michael Powell - www.michaelpowellart.co.uk
    Make your own charts:
    Pic2point - https://pic2point.com/main.php
    thread convertors
    DMC - find similar shades - https://pic2point.com/dmccolors.php#
    DMC: Anchor - https://www.stitchtastic.com/useful/AnchorToDMC.aspx
    Madeia: DMC - https://dmctransformation.tripod.com/M-DMC.html
    How to work out how much aida you need - https://www.cross-stitch-centre.co.uk/acatalog/aida.html
  • Hello
    Oooo a nice shiney new thread to help me spend my Christmas money
  • Ooh! Shiny new thread!
    I'm about all familied-out...
  • As we're out of tea/coffee & cake, I'm offering freshly made waffles all round & large servings of Baileys (or virgin cocktails for those who aren't drinking)...now put your feet up & let's hit the Sew & So sales...Oooh, anyone checked to see if Hobbycraft have a sale on?
    Love & good wishes to you all!
    PS-Thanks for setting up the new thread, Chickywiggle!
  • it is indeedy ruth_honey......... I'd forgotton all about that one https://direct.hobbycraft.co.uk/shop/...clearance-sale (tho no cross stitch that i can see other then a 3 for 2 offer)
    not at all TMIF I was just trying to stitch here and thought I could reallly do with a bigger hoop.
    Re: wedding sampler. Think I may use the wording (which i have found online) and make my own simple border around it.
    Now does anyone have this chart gatehring dust??
  • Yippee a shiny new thread and my family are all asleep and I have a cash card Am going to be VERY good and not buy anything even though there are some pretty things tempting me!
    Have had a lovely Christmas day - have deliberately tried to avoid buying less 'tat' this year and the rellies have all tried to do the same, so what we do have is stuff we really needed or wanted.
    Dh did his usual stay up late and wrap pressies last night and cooked the food today and has now given up cos he is tired (and old as I pointed out being a whole 2 years older than me) and the icklies are exhausted from serious playing - the sherry bottle and mince pies are out for me now Hope everyone has had a good day
  • I couldn't wait any longer & have now tried out the waffle maker. YUM!!! I'm loving it! Used the pancake & waffle mix that I bought in Costco-very easy(add mix, water & vegetable oil) & nice and fluffy. They came out nice first time and it looks easy to clean (my job, apparently!) so waffles for breakfast tomorrow I think. Who's joining me?
    In stitchy news, no spending as yet. I have the Somebunny to love toy that's in the Sew & So sale and it's great quality. Hobbycraft sale had nothing that interested me. One of the US stitch shops that sends me newsletters is having a big sale on news eve if anyone is interested. I'll edit this with details from the netbook-not got the hang of copying & pasting on the iPod yet.
    ETA-Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

    Announcing our Annual Treat!!!
    Silver Needle's New Year's Eve Day Sale
    Friday, December 31st, 2010

    From 6:00am to 7:00am CST EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP & ON OUR WEBSITE is 25% OFF!!!
    From 7:01am to 9:00am CST EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP & ON OUR WEBSITE is 20% OFF!!!
    From 9:01am to 4:00pm CST EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP & ON OUR WEBSITE is 15% OFF!!!

    It's time again for our ridiculously frenzied early-morning New Year's Eve Sale... You have to *work* for this one, because it's so early in the morning... and time is of the essence! We aren't announcing this sale yet on the website... that happens some time next week. This is YOUR advanced Sneak Peek, your early-bird notice! We have a whole PDF of details that you can print and save. https://www.thesilverneedle.net/nysale2010.pdf
    A delightful day... we LOVE the Road Trip Ladies, we love the cheerfulness, we love everything about New Year's Eve!
    Mary, your webmaster, reminds all to look-into-and-use her *SEARCH BUTTON* on our site's button bar. She has a sitemap on there... it's an organized listing of each page we have... and you will LOVE the way it directs you to see everything! Plan on several evenings of browsing to see everything... but that's half the fun! You can *build your shopping list,* and save it as a text file on your machine over several days, and BAM... you're ready on Sale Morning!!! Then you can just paste your list into our Order the Old Fashioned Way secure form, as soon as the sale starts, and you can beat the rush!
    Also, Mary asks that you come into the site that day from a clean link like these:
    https://www.thesilverneedle.net or https://www.silverneedle.biz
    It's just another thing that will speed things up for you.
    Our New Arrivals this Season...
    ***Drawn Thread has a new series of small monthly purse-sized calendars covers -- offered in chart format.
    ***Check out our charming Felt Flower Pin Cushions! They are wool felt flowers -- a big beaded wool ball in the center -- layers and layers of pre-cut wools, stacked together and perched atop an antique thread spool! Hard to describe, an easy 20 minutes to make, such quick and
    colorful delights when you're finished!
    ***DARLING little Stork Scissors -- 4 different ones -- and even Santa Scissors!
    *** I THINK new Lizzie Kate is due before the sale... we'll keep you posted via 'Just Arrived!'
    News is quick and concise this week... Are all your gifts wrapped? Cookies baked??? Stocking Stuffers ready, in case Santa gets caught in a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, and needs you as his back-up??? It just doesn't get any better, does it?!
    Merry Christmas from The Silver Needle Gals!
  • ooh, shiny new thread! it's not 2011 yet though so aren't we a little premature?
    My January challenge is to make progress on 'Giraffe and Baby'. Unfortunately I also have the challenge of finish varnishing the bathroom floor (3 coats, allowing to dry for 2 days between coats) Install bathroom skirting board (go and buy it first), Install new sink and toilet, finish sorting ex hubbys things and threaten him until he comes to collect it all (mostly tat anyway so I'll be glad to be rid of most of it). All while working an average of 55 hours per week, hence I'm not setting a completion deadline for my stitching.
    I think my new year's resolution will be to quit all facebook game applications. I waste so much time on them, especially a couple of the zynga ones so if I successfully quit then I'll have loads more time for stitching.
    EDIT: I like SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timed) goals so I'm aiming to complete one chart page a month for the next 3 months on the Giraffe and Baby. They are huge as I printed it at 400% so not many stitches per page. I have a lot more than 3 pages of chart and at that rate it'll take me 2 years but I hope that by that time I'll have found a lodger and therefore been able to cut down my working hours and still afford to live in my house. Then I'll have more time for stitching and faster progress.
  • Hi, hope everyone has had a nice Christmas day, I'm just sitting down for the 1st time since what feels like Thursday.
    My January challenges are to finish the flower girl that my sister is giving as a present to one of her smaller bridesmaids at her wedding on the 29th. I want to finish this by the 7th so she has time to get it washed and ironed. My 2nd challenge is to finish the Me to You wedding sampler I am doing for her. I am on the backstitch, which as you all know is heavy in one of these, but am giving myself a deadline of the wedding day as she won't be too bothered if I don't have time to get it framed beforehand. Also they are moving into their 1st home so it might be nice to let her have the choice of the frame she would like.
    Off to look at the sewandso sale to see if I can spend some of my Christmas money.
  • R_H........ FYI having just checked this page I beieve 7am CST = 1pm GMT WAHOOO thats a more realistic time of day
    Elliep - thought I'd start 2011 threads early as one of them (the Ј365 in 365 days people like to sign up beofre it actually starts on 1st January so it was easiest to do both together
  • Merry Christmas Everyone
    Nice to see a new thread, for a new year.
    Got a new laptop for Christmas, so having a wee play on it before bed - think hubby is desperate to have a go.
    Will post more cross stitchy stuff later.
    Kind wishes to all
  • Hi there I've been lurking but forgot that I'd given myself a challenge (also forgot what it was) so my current challenge until the 31st January is to finish my Think Green Frog that's a gift for my boyfriends best friend (not a Chrimble present though - just a regular 'saw this and thought of you' kinda gift'
    Did anyone get any nice stitchy stuff for Xmas? I got the DMC set of threads (all colours from the range) so really excited about that! Hopefully I'll get my stitchy bug back so will be able to put them to good use xx
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