12 Aug 2015

A question about : Cross Stitch Cafe

As featured in Cross Stitch Crazy's Club of the Month.


Welcome to the Cafe's new thread.

Have you got some UFO's (UnFinished Objects) still to finish??

Setting yourself deadlines for stitching cards and pressies?

Half way thro a huge project and needing motivation to finish?

Found a fabby stitching bargain that you want to share??

Just really want to get something off your chest?? share happy or sad news, or just ask for advice without being judged?

Then grap a cuppa tea and come and have a moan, come a borrow ideas, or just look lovingly at everyone else's projects.

Don't forget to set yourself up a Flikr photo album account - and join the group over there to share your projects easily.

How to share your pics from FLIKR:
1) Go to the picture you want to show us click the 'Share This' button on the top left of the picture, this will show you a number of options and the one you need is called 'Grab the HTML/BBCode', Tick the button for BBCode and it'll convert the code to what you need.
2) Copy the text in the box and paste it into a new post on MSE and it should have everything you need to insert the image into your post. You can check this by clicking Preview Message.
We also have a facebook group here which is great for sharing discount codes/ fab links etc for any FB addicts.

This is a continuation of our 2011 cafe (which can be found here and here ) but don't worry you don't need to have actively participated in that to join us now.
and then our 2012 cafe - here

So what are you waiting for?? Grab yourself a cup of tea, a shiny new needle (as is the law with a new cafe thread) and share your latest project.

Please remember copyright rules are there for a reason. we are more then happy to share ideas and help out where we can however we have recently had a lot of people expecting copywritten charts for free or for members to hunt out ideas for them and then never give so much as a thank you. This really doesn't fit in with the groups ethos, please think before making requests.

Best answers:

  • Useful Links
    many Thanks to Kez for her hard work compiling this thread. If you know of any good ones to add please PM them to me.
    Our Favourites:
    Sew and So - www.sewandso.co.uk also on facebook
    Across Town Stitching - www.across-town-stitching.talktalk.net (Great for cheap threads) also on facebook which has a 15% discount (until end of september). They also have an ebay shop.
    Cross-stitch-heaven - https://www.cross-stitch-heaven.co.uk/
    Other sites:
    Elite Designs - www.elite-designs.co.uk
    Siamese Craft Stitcher - https://www.siamesecraftstitcher.co.uk/
    The Happy Cross-stitcher - www.thehappycross-stitcher.com
    Country Cross Stitch Kits - https://www.countrycrossstitchkits.co.uk/
    Cross-stitch World - www.crossstitchworld.com/
    Cross-stitch UK - www.crossstitchuk.com
    Al's cross stitch page -https://www.alscross-stitch.co.uk/
    Celtic Rose Needlecraft - -https://www.celticroseneedlecraft.com
    Amercian Based Sites:
    Heaven and Earth Designs - https://heavenandearthdesigns.com
    The Silver Needle - www.thesilverneedle.net
    Mystic Stitch - www.mysticstitch.com
    Artist Specific Sites:
    Michael Powell - www.michaelpowellart.co.uk
    Make your own charts:
    Pic2point - https://pic2point.com/main.php
    thread convertors
    DMC - find similar shades - https://pic2point.com/dmccolors.php#
    DMC: Anchor - https://www.stitchtastic.com/useful/AnchorToDMC.aspx
    Madeia: DMC - https://dmctransformation.tripod.com/M-DMC.html
    How to work out how much aida you need - https://www.cross-stitch-centre.co.uk/acatalog/aida.html
  • :settles down in the shiny new thread:
    Thanks, Chicky!
  • *Pulls up a comfy chair, positions chart, stitching and cuppa*
  • (deleted original and copied to here)
    and nattter... (some ot)
    I haven't done much stitchyness either.
    Started snowman on the frst eve and done none since, signed up for Halloween theme exchange due oct 1st but yet to start though have ideas. Need to start on crimble pressie ideas and finish charity stitches. But this week has been all about others. Helping friend move to around the corner, OH driving rented van and main bulk will be done tomoz and yesterday we did almost 6 hours in my mums garden so was shattered following that. Not to mention hosp appts this week and next. Busy time at mo and all I want is stitchy time and energy and motivation. However, seem to have more energy at mo so without jinxing it, M.E/CFS poss in period of remission. can only hope. Also Malvern are looking for volunteers for archaelogical dig in next few weeks - that I would love to try.
    Back to playing Bioshock with Joel (quality lazy time snuggled together) and relaxing today and hopefully get some stitching out and get started. Btw anyone else use their tab/pad to display charts to stitch by? (saw on other group).
  • Anyone know where I can find (if poss) small halloween motifs ideally no bigger than 1 inch each to be used on 14 ct aida. I'm not having much luck and the bookmark I was hoping to design seems not to fit.
  • Back in the heat and humidity of Singapore (landed a few hours ago) so just checking in (out!) the new thread! Stitching at the in-laws didn't go to plan for a number of reasons but hoping to get over the jet lag and get back in the swing of things now we're back (well, for 100 or so days anyway until we're coming back to the UK for the dreaded C-word!!).
  • oh lovely new stitchy thread, thank you.
    im going to enjoy the sunshine and go outside to stitch now
  • First page finished by Mags_cat, on Flickr
    Woo hoo! First page complete
    35 more pages to go
  • cheers for that, will go have a look. A few I have already seen. currently looking through really old mags and so far none have anything for halloween, tried from aug to nov of 94, 95 etc ...pfft
    Btw update looking fab. I have never even tackled anything over a page long, lol. too daunting at present.
  • Just logging in to say hi in the new thread - hope to see lots of the old members and new - not saying we are old but exisiting.
    Here is the latest in my third bear this year for a birth sampler
    Excuse picture - taken with phone - don't think its that good - phone is an antique.
    I have also fell in love with some of the designs from tamscreations - so I have downloaded one- its free and might try and do it. Tried to show picture here but not working. Chose blackwork challenge 1
    Not been able to take any photos of my latest on my blue sampler part one at work, so here is a reminder of where it was last:
    Also found a great snowdrop pattern to do for my memorial stitch. Next year would of been their 70th wedding anniversery and I am thinking of giving each of their daughters a stitch in remberance. The story of snowdrops is that they got married during the war - grandfather couldn't afford a button hole or get one, so he picked some snow drops from the garden and used them instead. Pattern is another freebie - think it is better than the one I originally chose - will take out wording and think how to word it. Going to be a surprise for my mum and her sisters (my grandparents children).
    Hope our needles fly and frogs stay away. Gets out some tea and coffee and I think I have some flapjacks left over. Happy stitching everyone.
    Kind wishes to all
  • Thank you... Currently tweaking original ideas and now looking for a tiny flying witch. Would have more leeway if I had smaller count black aida in the house. Oh well, lesson learned. my perception of things that could fit was slightly bonkers compared to actual measurements available.. oops
  • thanks chicky i love a shiney new thread,
    love the patterns you have picked out there sweetcareer, and i love the snow drops story, its beautiful
    sorry i cant help with halloween pictures
    well dinner is done and most of the washing up is done, except the ice cream bowls, told hubby he needs to bath kids and then i'll have my bath and settle down to my first evening of stitching in what seems like ages !!
    happy new thread everyone
  • Hi ladies.
    (from other thread)
    Louise. The memorial for your Daughter is lovely.
    Caroline. Afghan is coming along nicely.
    (on this thread)
    Mags. Loving Relativity, it's coming along great.
    Sweetcarer. Nice update.
    As for me. Got started on the tinkle wording yesterday and it's going ok. Might go do some in a little while since hubby has gone out on his motorbike while the weather is warm and dry.
    Once wording is done I have to decide whether or not to do some sort of border but I think I'll loosely put it in the frame and see if a) there is room for it and b) if it needs it.
  • Yay - shiney new thread thanks chicky
    Didn't manage any stitching last night (ended up watching One Day (very good film - now going to read the book)
    Today - no stitching yet - we went to the diy store and having joined the club that was mentioned by I got 15% off my bill as the store were having another one of their special discount weekends
    Then it was to the pub for a spot of lunch. I had been looking forward to this all week so I have to say I was a tad disappointed when the meal came and it was overcooked and dry. I'm not sure if this is because we had starters and our meals were ready before we had finished our starters/they had cleared our plates but I'm pleased to say that I plucked up the courage to say so. I have had the same meal before at this pub (ribs, chips and salad) and it has been 100x better so I don't know what went wrong today. They refunded both our main meals and we went on our merry way. I am not one to complain when I eat out - usually just accept that you do on occasion get a bad meal but I was forcing myself to eat something/trying to enjoy it when it just wasn't edible. Its a shame because it is a nice pub and I like it but I fear I won't be rushing back.
    back home and we have been busy in the garden, finished a short time ago so now to cook tea and fall asleep on the sofa! hopefully some cross stitch will fit in somewhere!
  • I have nothing important to say at the moment, I just wanted to post on the new thread (Thanks Chicky)
    Edit to add: Mags, it's looking great!
    b_e_g - Lizzie Kate - Tis the season
    *Louise* - Twelve Days of Christmas
    Maria - Family handprints
    flowerofscotland - Christmas Cheer
    tricksie - London Sampler
    Ailsb - 12 days of Christmas - small design
    Sweetcarer - Blackwork Challenge
    chckywiggle - Humphry's stocking
    sc00bie1 - Christmas Angel
    *Louise* - tbc
    Maria - Valentines Heart
    flowerofscotland - Drawn Thread scissor fob
    tricksie - tbc
    Ailsb - Winter/Christmas Sampler (hoping to start 12.12.12 and finish 20122012).
    chickywiggle - tbc
    b_e_g - MP Christmas cottage
    Project 10/11/12 - 11/12/13 -
    b_e_g - Margaret Sherry 12 Days of Christmas
  • Got quite a lot done last night as I couldn't sleep . I started getting really sleepy about 7am but was too late to get to bed so went to the bakery across the road and treated myself to a coffee, and while I was there got talking to a few women I know and ended up getting hubby a job !!!
    He starts on Monday and although it is only 20 hours a week cleaning, it is a start and we can claim quite a lot of tax credits so we are so much better off. I can't wait and he is so pleased as well.
    Well, this is where I am starting from tonight....
    Start of 8th September 2012 by msecaroline78, on Flickr
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