01 Mar 2018

A question about : credit card clearance

Hello, this is my first foray into this, so please forgive any mistakes.
my wife ran up huge credit card bills, which we struggled to pay, eventually she got them frozen, so now pays them interest free.
However, we recently heard about some being illegal and have entered into an arrangement with a company called cartel, which claims, to get them wiped out alltogether, they are coming next week for my payments, but i am very sceptical of this, as you get nowt for nowt in this world. could anybody give me advice, and are we doing the right thing.
Thanks for your time,

Best answers:

  • I think i'm going to scream........
  • I would say your gut feeling is correct. Highly unlikely to be of any benefit to you, but very lucrative on the part of those collecting more money from you and even less chance of getting it back once you have handed it over. Be happy you have the interest frozen and put any spare money you have to paying off your debt. Do not get involved.
  • Think yourself lucky to not be charged interest.
    Pay off the debt as and when you can.
    Only accept "help" on the basis that if someone can get you any money back then they can have 20% of the money.
    Never pay an upfront fee.
  • Funny how a newbies first foray is to ask this question and not make any sort of post in the other numerous sections first.
  • Im Sick Of These Posts....
  • This looks like blatant advertising (sorry, if it's genuine). At least one new thread on this same old subject appears on this board every day, always started by a newby, who has never felt the need to post about anything else.
    All you will do by hiring one of these firms is replace an arguably unenforceable debt with an enforceable one.
    Despite dozens of threads on the subject, nobody ever comes forward to report any success using these companies. Without testimonials, which are independently corroborated, I would steer well clear.
  • This BBC story on the subject is a good read:
  • Can people on here be a bit more caring before laying into newbies.
    The OP states " but i am very sceptical of this, as you get nowt for nowt in this world"
    If they were saying how wonderful this firm was from go, I could agree with the cynical nature on here, but they are not, and are asking for help.
  • Not to mention the post author almost always mysteriously vanishes never to be seen again on the boards
  • If they mention the name of the company, then of course people are gonna look at it on google, it doesn't matter if they slag it off its still generating hits, the op might only be an advertiser for that company, paid by the number of hits, and either way its advertising. I just don't know why they try it on this forum (but then again since 5:02 today the poster has probably posted something about 'cartel' on 20 other forum sites).
  • Forum members may also want to be aware of this prior to posting on this thread.
    I wonder if the Advertising Standards Agency have also been threatened with legal action :rolleyes:
  • Hi all, I stumbled across a website explaining how a card or loan opened up before April '07 could be written off if found to have any discrepancies in its contract etc. I have 3 that spring to mind - a loan for Ј2000 (which has recently disappeared from my credit file & the company has stopped contacting me!), a Credit Card with Ј2200 on it & another which only has Ј690 left on it.
    What I wanted to ask was, has anyone done this yet? I know that you can pay agents to do this for you - i.e. get hold of the contract & payment history of the account & look for anything 'fishy' but is this a scam? I hope not!!
    many thanks guys
  • OK zappafan - here's a reply in a language you may understand.
    "This is the central scrutinizer
    It is my job to enforce laws that haven't been passed yet.
    Paying money over to dodgy firms who claim to be able to write off your debts is wrong and you should not do it.
    You will lose your money.
    Be a good boy, go to church regularly, and if you cannot afford to pay your debts then seek the help of a not for profit organisation such as the CCCS.
    Otherwise, pay your way like the rest of society.
    Here, have a donut."
  • Doughnut, shirley?
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