27 Feb 2018

A question about : Credit card balance transfer can you help?

A couple of months ago I opened a 0% interest account with MBNA and transferred the balance of my other card.

I use my other card for purchases as this is a cheaper rate. My question is, can I now transfer the latest balance of my other card and not pay interest or would the offer only have been for the original balance transfer when I opened the account?

I believe the 0% interest was for about 9 months.


Best answers:

  • I believe you can transfer the new balance from your other card to MBNA aslong as you don't exceed your MBNA credit limit and you're interest free period is still applicable. They may charge you a fee for making the transfer (2% of the amount , maximum Ј35) - but they don't always do this and they should tell you if they intend to do so when you call to make the transfer.
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