15 Mar 2024

A question about : Council Tax Liability Order


I hope somebody can give me a bit of advice. I moved out Of by last council's area over 2 years ago. Yesterday I received a letter from them stating that an attachment of earnings was being sent to my employer.

This drama starts back in February 2013 when I was first made aware of been chased for any debt when a hand delivered letter was posted in to my current address from Jacobs bailiffs. I first contacted the council as this was the first piece of correspondence I had received from them, I was informed that the matter was out of their hands and I had to contact the bailiffs. I contacted the mobile number on the hand delivered letter, and the gentleman came into the house and we set up a payment plan that finished in Nov 2013.

Months later I started to get hand delivered letters from Jacobs again, only this time when I tried to contact both the agent and the head office no-one would answer.

Nearly a year later and this letter arrives. I have e-mailed the council, to say I dispute the alleged amount and that I did try and contact the bailiffs to tell them this. I also stated that if money is owed that I am ore then willing to pay back over a period of time (4-6 months) as I am a single parent, but the only response I get from them is that they are not interested.

Could someone please advise as I don't know where I stand.

* also their amounts don't add up with what I have paid already but they say this is due to charges by Jacobs??

Best answers:

  • I'd start by trying to get to the bottom of what they think you owe and why. Ask the council for dates/information on the charges and take it from there.
    If they are not particularly helpful /you disagree then you can put in a formal complaint to the council as well.
    Local councillors can also be very useful in such a situation as they often have a lot of clout, but this may be of limited use to you now you no longer live in the area.
    If, after making a formal complaint to the council you are still not satisifed then you can go to the ombudsman (but let's hope it doesn't come to that).
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