19 Jul 2015

A question about : Cleaning laminate floors

/Cleaning laminate floors
Our daughter rents out her flat, tenant has just left and laminate floors need a good clean.......but with what?

The flat is unfurnished, so floors easy to inspect, they looked sort of streaky/cloudy all over.

She has tried using a steam mop, the streaky/cloudy appearance went, but now the floors are sticky.

When you walk on them you feel your socks/slippers sticking to them. Can only think tenant has used something on them and not rinsed it off afterwards and there is some sort of build up of residue there.

What would be the best product to use to get rid of the sticky feel ?

Best answers:

  • 1 cup of vinegar with 2 cups of water spray on and use a microfiber mop to wipe the floor. If you don't have a microfiber mop wring out a ficrofibre cloth and tie it on any mophead to wipe the floor.
  • Think of it as wood and you won't go far wrong, what would you clean wood with?
  • I think my kitchen floor needs painting again. It's bamboo, must get some varnish next time i go to B&q, it doesn't clean as good as it did.
  • Not sure about the initial stickiness but I have laminate and tiled floors and I use a squirt of stardrops in warm water. It never goes streaky and is so easy and cheap.
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