13 May 2018

A question about : Claiming tax back

Hi People,

Im a student on a placement year, and just have had my P60 form for the last tax year. Before i ring my local tax office, can someone please confirm that i am entitled to a rebate.

Over the last 12 months i have earned Ј8,000 and paid Ј901.36 (112.67 p/m)
in tax. I have only worked 8 months of the last tax year, and think i should be able to claim back quite a bit of the tax ive paid... am i right?

please help!!!

Best answers:

  • Probably best over on the Cutting Tax board, but looks pretty straightforward.
    You get a personal allowance (tax free) of Ј4,745. The next Ј2,020 is taxed at 10% and the rest at 22%. So I make it Ј473.70 on an income of Ј8K.
    Looks like what they've done is given you 1/12th of your personal allowance each month - meaning that you've missed out on about a third of it.
    Hope that helps
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